Prof. Asoc. Dr. Klaudio Peqini

Klaudio Peqini është pedagog pranë Departamentit të Fizikës prej viti 2014. Ai ka kryer studimet doktorale pranë këtij departamenti për periudhën 2015-2018. Këto studime janë përqendruar në përmirësimin e modeleve ekzistues apo ndërtimin e modeleve të rinj për të përshkruar variacionet kohore dhe hapësinore të fushës gjeomagnetike. Në të njëjtën kohë, pjesë e punës së tij doktorale ka
qenë ndërtimi i modeleve lokale, në shkallë vendi, për të analizuar variacionet e fushës gjeomagnetike. Në vijim, puna e tij është ravijëzuar në analiza statistikore të serive të fushës gjeomagnetike apo të serive me origjinë nga sisteme komplekse me natyrë të larmishme.

Gradat dhe titujt akademikë:

2011 Diplomë Bachelor në Fizikë. Fakulteti i Shkencave të Natyrës. Universiteti i Tiranës

2013 Diplomë Masteri i Shkencave në Fizikë. Fakulteti i Shkencave të Natyrës. Universiteti i Tiranës

2018 Doktor i Shkencave në Fizikë. Fakulteti i Shkencave të Natyrës. Universiteti i Tiranës

2024 Profesor i Asociuar në Fizikë. Fakulteti i Shkencave të Natyrës. Universiteti i Tiranës

Pozicione shkencore:

08.2021 Përfaqësues i Shqipërisë pranë International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA)

06.2024 Anëtar i Akademisë së të Rinjve, pranë Akademisë së Shkencave të Shqipërisë

07.2024 Anëtar në Komisionin Fizikë-Kimi në Akademinë e Shkencave të Shqipërisë, nga Akademia e të Rinjve

Vizita shkencore

23-27.04.2017 Vizitë pranë Zentrale Anstalt für Geophysik und Geodynamik (ZAMG), Vjenë, Austria. Vizita është kryer në kuadër të projektit bilateral ndërmjet Universitetit të Tiranës dhe ZAMG.

16-30.09.2018 Vizitë pranë qendrës koordinuese të International Center of Relativistic Astrophysics Network (ICRANet), Peskara, Itali.

20-24.11.2021 Vizitë pranë Climate, Atmosphere and Water Resources Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (CAWRI-BAS), Sofie, Bulgari.

21-25.07.2022 Vizitë pranë Politecnico di Bari si pjesë e programit Erasmus+

Pozicione shkencore

08.2021 Përfaqësues i Shqipërisë pranë International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA)

03.2019 Anetar i bordit editorial te SCIREA Journal of Physics

06.2024 Anëtar i Akademisë së të Rinjve, pranë Akademisë së Shkencave të Shqipërisë

07.2024 Anëtar në Komisionin Fizikë-Kimi në Akademinë e Shkencave të Shqipërisë, nga Akademia e të Rinjve

Fushat e interesit:

  • Modelimi i fushës gjeomagnetike dhe i variacioneve të saj hapesinore-kohore
  • Magnetohidrodinamikë
  • Dinamikë fluidesh
  • Dinamikë sistemesh
  • Shkencat e Tokës dhe Universit
  • Modelime matematike dhe zgjidhje numerike

Pjesëmarrje në projekte shkencore:

  • 2022-2023 Participant in the project: “Modelimi 3D i vendburimeve hidrokarbure - Rezervat-Treguesit e për punimit - Metodat e përmirësimit të naftë-nxjerrjes (MVSHtë)”.  The project was in partnership with the Department of Energy Sources of the Polytechnic University of Tirana and was supported by the National Agency of Scientific Research and Innovation (NASRI).
  • 2015-2017 Participant in the project: “Using ground and satellite data to study the variations of the geomagnetic field over Austria and Albania”. This Project is in collaboration between University of Tirana and ZAMG (Zentrale Anstalt für Geophysik und Geodynamik) Vienna, Austria. Amount: 4000 Eur.
  • 2014-2015 Participant in the project: “Optimization and Scalability testing of a new OpenFoam application”. Field of research is: Engineering and Energy Sources.
  • 2013-2014 Participant in the project: “Numerical simulations of natural convection in cylindrical cavities and the determination of the indicators of critical phenomena in the time series of the geomagnetic field variation”, funded by the Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tirana.
  • 2013-2015 Participant in the project: “Numerical experiments on the natural convection of the fluids between coaxial cylinders and concentric spheres (NUM-EXP-NAT-CONV)”, a winning project of “hp-see-pilot-call-awarded- applications” (High Performance Computing in South East Europe).
  • 2012-2014 Participant in the project: “Study of the stability of fluid dynamic systems in cylindrical and spherical geometry”, project included in the Executive Program of Scientific and Technological Cooperation between Albania and Italy, for the years 2012 – 2014.

Artikuj shkencorë:

  • 09.2024 Peqini, K., Porja, T., 2024. Decadal evolution of dry spells – case study of Shkodra. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference, CAWRI-BAS “Global Warming’s Imprints on the Elements of the Climatic System”
  • 02.2024 Peqini, K., 2024. The multifractality of the internal geomagnetic field. . Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2701 012033. doi 10.1088/1742-6596/2701/1/012033
  • 10.2023 Peqini K., Koçi E., Osmanaj R., Prenga D., 2023. The Core-Mantle boundary velocity field in the recent decades. AIP Conf. Proc. 2872, 120063. factor: 0.437.
  • 10.2023 Osmanaj R., Peqini K., Prenga D., 2023. Lanczos method applications in lattice QCD. AIP Conf. Proc. 2872, 120066. factor: 0.437.
  • 10.2023 Prenga D., Kushta E., Peqini K., Osmanaj R., Hysenlli M., 2023. Analyzing influential factors on physics knowledge weakness in high school students due to the pandemic-imposed online learning and a discussion for enhancing strategies. AIP Conf. Proc. 2872, 020002. factor: 0.437.
  • 07.2023 Kilifarska N. A., Peqini K., 2023. Impact of Forbush Decreases and Geomagnetic Storms on the Atmospheric Ozone Profiles. Earth and Space Science, 10, e2023EA002954. Impact factor: 3.1.
  • 05.2022 Peti (Koçi) E., Peqini K., and Sauli D., 2022. Mbi parashikimin e intervaleve të oshilacionit në zgjidhjet e ekuacioneve diferenciale lineare të rendit të dytë. BSHN (UT), 31, 111-125.
  • 07.2022
  • 05.2022 Kilifarska N. A., Peqini K., 2022. Geomagnetic control of cosmic radiation and its impact on the irregularly distributed lower stratospheric ozone. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2255 012013
  • 12.2021 Peqini K., Prenga D., Osmanaj R., 2021. Scaling laws and phase space analysis of a geomagnetic domino model. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2090 012030. Impact factor: 0.547.
  • 12.2021 Prenga D., Peqini K., Osmanaj R., 2021. The analysis of the dynamics of the electorate system by using q-distribution-a case study. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2090 012073. Impact factor: 0.547.
  • 12.2021 Peqini K., Osmanaj R., 2021. A Computational Model of Maxwell’s Distribution for Undergraduates. International Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 13(2), 33-45.
  • 12.2021 Osmanaj R., Peqini K., Hyka D., 2021. The Use of PhET Simulations in Teaching Modality in High Schools in Albania before and during COVID 19-Pandemic. European Journal of Education and Pedagogy, 2(6), 91-94.
  • 05.2020 Muceku Y., Leka V., Peqini K., Goskolli E., Jaupaj O., 2020. Ground Subsidence Triggered by Mining Activity in Urban and Rural Areas of Albania, Analysis and Geo-environmental Impacts. JNTS (Journal of Natural and Technical Sciences), 49 (XXIV), 49–72.
  • 02.2020 Miço S., Peqini K., Ifti M., Dhoqina P., Prenga D., 2020. Statistical properties of time series of air pollutants and meteorological data. Proceedings book of ICAP Conference; Published online: 28 February 2020.
  • 12.2019 Luga E., Peqini K., 2019. The Influence of Oxide Content on the Properties of Fly Ash/Slag Geopolymer Mortars Activated with NaOH. Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 63 (4), pp 1217–1244. Impact factor: 0.905.
  • 11.2019 Peqini K., Duka B., 2019. Small-scale velocity field at the Core-Mantle Boundary constructed from the gufml global model. AIP Conference Proceedings 2178, 030007; Published Online: 25 November 2019;
  • 02.2019 Peqini K., Duka B., 2019. The velocity field at the Earth’s core–mantle boundary. AIP Conference Proceedings 2075, 120026; Published Online: 26 February 2019;
  • 12.2018 Peqini K., Duka B., 2018. Core-Mantle Boundary Velocity Field Recovering From a Four-Century Geomagnetic Field Model. JNTS (Journal of Natural and Technical Sciences), 46 (XXIII), 3–18.
  • 09.2018 Peqini K., Duka B., Egli R., Leichter B., 2018. Crustal geomagnetic field and secular variation by regional and global models for Austria. 111, 1, 048–063. doi: 10.17738/ajes.2018.0004 Impact factor: 1.034.
  • 03.2018 Peqini K., Duka B., 2018. Statistical indicators as potential early signals of transitions in time series obtained by a statistical model: geomagnetic field case. International Journal of Applied Statistics and Econometrics (IJASE) doi: 10.26384/IJASE1807
  • 03.2018 Peqini K., Duka, B., Dominici, G., 2018. Crustal field recovery and secular variation from regional and global models over Albania. ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS, 61, 1, GM101, 2018. doi: 10.4401/ag-7419 Impact factor: 1.374.
  • 07.2017 Peqini K., Duka B., 2017. Statistical Indicators as Potential Early Signals of Transitions in Time Series Obtained by a Statistical Model: Geomagnetic Field Case. Proceedings book of the International Conference on Applied Statistics and Econometrics (ICASE 2017) 27-28 April 2017 Tirana, Albania.
  • 06.2016 Duka B., Duka E., Peqini K., 2016. Recovering external contribution from the monthly mean series of a given geomagnetic observatory. ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS, 59, 3, G0321; doi:10.4401/ag-6971. Impact factor: 1.374.
  • 01.2016 Peqini K., Duka B., 2016. Insights into reversals mechanism of the geomagnetic field through stochastic models simulations. Proceedings Book of The International Physics Conference Tirana 2015. physics2015
  • 09.2015 Peqini K., Duka B., De Santis A., 2015. Insights into pre-reversal paleosecular variation from stochastic models. Front. Earth Sci. 3:52. doi: 10.3389/feart.2015.00052. Impact factor: 1.970.
  • 05.2015 Duka B., Peqini K., De Santis A., Pavon-Carrasco F.J., 2015. Using ‘‘domino’’ model to study the secular variation of the geomagnetic dipolar moment. Phys. Earth. Planet. Inter. 242, 9–23. Impact factor: 2.480. 2015.03.001

Artikuj konference:

  • K. Peqini, T. Porja: "Decadal evolution of dry spells – case study of Shkodra". Oral presentation at the 6-th CAWRI-BAS International conference GLOBAL WARMING’S IMPRINTS ON THE ELEMENTS OF THE CLIMATIC SYSTEM, held in Hisarya, Bulgaria, 24-28.09.2024.
  • T. Porja, K. Peqini: “From short dry spells to very long dry spells – case study of Shkodra city”. Oral presentation at the 3rd International Conference on Frontiers in Academic Research, held on line from Konya, Turkey, 15-16.06.2024.
  • K. Peqini: “Low-dimensional models as feasible tools to probe the internal functioning of the Geodynamo”. Oral presentation at the International Conference on Environment, Climate and Earth Sciences ECES 2024 "Earth - A Complex System", held in Tirana, Albania, 09-10.05.2024.
  • K. Peqini, T. Porja: “An algorithm for the calculation of Lyapunov’s exponent for time series of rainfalls and Radon concentration”. Poster presentation at the International Conference on Environment, Climate and Earth Sciences ECES 2024 "Earth - A Complex System", held in Tirana, Albania, 09-10.05.2024.
  • K. Peqini, T. Porja, E. Kafexhiu: "Estimating the meteorological based drought indicators to better manage its negative impact". Oral presentation at the Annual EMS Meeting, held in Bratislava and on-line, Slovakia, 03-08.09.2023.
  • T. Porja, E. Kafexhiu, K. Peqini: "Extreme rainfall of short duration at local scale: case study of Shkodra". Oral presentation at the Annual EMS Meeting, held in Bratislava and on-line, Slovakia, 03-08.09.2023.
  • K. Peqini: “The multifractality of the internal geomagnetic field”. Oral presentation at the 12th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences, held in Belgrade and on-line, Serbia, 28-31.08.2023.
  • K. Peqini, E. Kafexhiu: “The main geomagnetic field is multifractal”. Oral presentation at the Second International Conference of National Institute of Physics, held in Tirana, Albania, 28-29.04.2023.
  • E. Kafexhiu, K. Peqini, E. Koçi, E. Karamani, K. Vlashi, N. Kodhelaj: “Modelimi i rezervuareve të naftës në fushën e Patos-Marinzës”. Oral presentation at the Second International Conference of National Institute of Physics, held in Tirana, Albania, 28-29.04.2023.
  • R. Osmanaj, D. Xhako, K. Peqini: "Teaching Based Ranking of Departments Using PageRank". Oral presentation at ICPICP 2022: International Conference on Physics, Information and Computational Physics, held in Lisbon, Portugal, 20-21.09.2022.
  • N. Kilifarska, K. Peqini: “Ozone response to short-lasting changes in galactic cosmic rays”. Oral presentation at the XXII International Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association, held in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 07-11.09.2022.
  • K. Peqini, E. Koçi, D. Prenga, R. Osmanaj: “The Core-Mantle Boundary velocity field in the recent decades”. Oral presentation in the 11th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences, held online, 05-08.09.2022.
  • R. Osmanaj, K. Peqini, D. Prenga: “Lanczos method applications in Lattice QCD”. Oral presentation in the 11th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences, held online, 05-08.09.2022.
  • D. Prenga, M. Hysenlli, K. Peqini, R. Osmanaj, E. Kushta: “Analyzing influential factors on physics knowledge shortcomings for high school student’s during Covid closure and estimation of the opportune strategies to improve it”. Oral presentation in the 11th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences, held online, 05-08.09.2022.
  • K. Peqini, N. Kilifarska: “Response of geomagnetic field related to atmospheric composition”. Oral presentation in the 11th Congress of the Balkan Physical Society, held in Belgrade, Serbia, 28.08-01.09.2022.
  • D. Prenga, K. Peqini, R. Osmanaj: “Preliminary results on the multifractal nature of the main geomagnetic field”. Poster presentation in the 11th Congress of the Balkan Physical Society, held in Belgrade, Serbia, 28.08-01.09.2022.
  • D. Prenga, K. Peqini, R. Osmanaj: “The study of the dynamics for electorate system by using q-distributions-a case study”. Oral presentation in the International Conference of Mathematical Modelling in Physical Sciences (IC–MSQUARE 2021), held virtually but planned in Budapest, Hungary, 06-09 September 2021.
  • K. Peqini, D. Prenga, R. Osmanaj: “Scaling laws and phase space analysis of a geomagnetic domino model”. Oral presentation in the International Conference of Mathematical Modelling in Physical Sciences (IC–MSQUARE 2021), held virtually but planned in Budapest, Hungary, 06-09 September 2021.
  • J. Hoxha, K. Peqini, A. Uka: “Forecasting dipolar geomagnetic field from palaeo-models and synthetic models using neural networks”. Oral presentation in the Joint Scientific Assembly IAGA – IASPEI 2021, held virtually but planned in Hyderabad, India, 21-27 August 2021.
  • A. Uka, K. Peqini, J. Hoxha: “FORECASTING VELOCITY FIELD AT THE CORE-MANTLE BOUNDARY USING NEURAL NETWORKS”. Oral presentation in the Joint Scientific Assembly IAGA – IASPEI 2021, held virtually but planned in Hyderabad, India, 21-27 August 2021.
  • R. Osmanaj, K. Peqini, D. Hyka: “QCDLAB2, A Learning Tool for Students in Lattice QCD”. Oral presentation in the Annual International Conferences on Sciences & Engineering, held virtually but planned in Athens, Greece, 19-22 July 2021.
  • K. Peqini and B. Duka: “Small-scale velocity field at the core-mantle boundary constructed from the gufm1 global model”. Oral presentation in the 35th International Physics Congress of the Turkish Physical Society, held in Bodrum, Turkey, 03-08 September 2019.
  • K. Peqini, M. Ifti and S. Miço: “Hurst exponent and magnitude distribution from palaeomagnetic and model generated time series”. Oral presentation in the 1st International Conference on Applied Physics (ICAP), held in Tirana, Albania, 20-22 November 2019.
  • S. Miço, M. Ifti, P. Dhoqina, D. Prenga, K. Peqini: “Statistical properties of time series of air pollutants and meteorological data”. Oral presentation in the 1st International Conference on Applied Physics (ICAP), held in Tirana, Albania, 20-22 November 2019.
  • K. Peqini, M. Ifti and B.Duka: “Statistical and Hurst Analysis of Palaeomagnetic Data”. Poster Presentation in the annual conference of EGU held in Vienna (07-12 April 2019).
  • K. Peqini: “Velocity field at the core-mantle boundary and jerks”. Oral presentation in the First International Conference on Research, Application and Educational Methods, RAEM, held in Korça, Albania, 24 May 2019.
  • K. Peqini: “Flow at the Core-Mantle Boundary and Jerks”. Oral presentation in the III International Workshop on recent LHC Physics results and related topics held in Tirana, Albania (10-12 October 2018).
  • K. Peqini and B. Duka: “The Velocity Field at the Earth’s Core-Mantle Boundary”. Oral presentation in the BPU (Balkan Physics Union) 10th Conference held in Sofia, Bulgaria (26-30 August, 2018).
  • K. Peqini, B. Duka and B. Leichter: “Jerks and the velocity field at the CMB recovered using gufm1 model”. Poster presentation in the annual conference of EGU held in Vienna (08-13 April 2018).
  • K. Peqini and B. Duka: “Time variation of the velocity field in core-mantle boundary (CMB)”. National conference KSNTEK, Tirana, 17-18 November, 2017.
  • B. Duka and K. Peqini: “Regional geomagnetic field modeling”. Oral presentation at the XII Annual Meeting of ALBSHKENCA, Prishtina, Kosovo (01-03 September 2017).
  • K. Peqini and B. Duka: “Geomagnetic Crustal field Anomalies over small countries (Austria and Albania) according to regional and global models”. Poster presentation in the annual conference of EGU held in Vienna (23-28 April 2017).
  • K. Peqini, B. Duka and A. Uka: “Statistical indicators as potential early signals of transitions in time series obtained by a statistical model: Geomagnetic field case”. Oral presentation at the 1st International Conference on Applied Statistics and Econometrics (ICASE) 2017, held at Epoka University (27-28 April 2017).
  • K. Peqini and B. Duka: “Recovering the crustal and unmodelled external contributions to the geomagnetic field of the European area”. Oral presentation in the annual conference of EGU held in Vienna (17-22 April 2016).
  • K. Peqini: Recent results on recovering the non-modeled external magnetic field and crustal magnetic field from the confrontation of regional and global models of the geomagnetic field. Oral presentation in The Second International Workshop on recent LHC results and related topics held in Tirana (26-27 September 2016).
  • E. Filippi, A. De Santis, F. J. Pavon-Carrasco, B. Duka, K. Peqini: “Some evidence for a Turbulent Diffusion in the Geodynamo from geomagnetic global models of the last few millennia”. Poster presentation in the IUGG Conference 2015 held in Prague (22 June-2 July 2015).
  • K. Peqini and B. Duka: “Insights into reversals mechanism of the geomagnetic field through stochastic models simulations”. Oral presentation in The International Physics Conference held in Tirana (13-14 November 2015).
  • K. Peqini and B. Duka: “Comparison of the dipolar magnetic field generated by two Ising-like models”. Poster presentation in the annual conference of EGU held in Vienna (12-17 April 2015).
  • K. Peqini and B. Duka: “Applying “domino” model to study dipolar geomagnetic field reversals and secular variation”. Poster presentation in the annual conference of EGU held in Vienna (27 April-2 May 2014).



  • Mekanika Analitike
  • Bazat e Elektrodinamikes
  • Fizika e Pergjithshme I (Mekanika)
  • Fizika e Pergjithshme III (Elektromagnetizmi)
  • Bazat e Fizikes Statistike
  • Teoria e Pergjithshme e Relativitetit
  • Programim
  • Plotesime ne Fizike dhe metoda te zgjidhjes se problemave I
  • Strukture e Lendes