Prof.Dr. Julian Shehu

Pozicioni aktual Përgjegjës Qendra Kërkimore e Florës dhe Faunës, Fakulteti i Shkencave të Natyrës, Universiteti i Tiranës (2020 në vijim).  Përgjegjësi i Sektorit të Projekteve dhe Kërkimit Shkencor, Rektorat, Universiteti i Tiranës (2018-2020), Zv. Dekan për Kooperimin Shkencor dhe Marrëdhëniet me Publikun, Fakulteti i Bujqësisë dhe Mjedisit, UBT (2012 -2016). Përgjegjës i Grupit Mesimor – Kërkimor të Botanikës, FBM, UBT (2013-2016). Lektor dhe titullar i  lëndëve Botanika Sistematike, Fitogjeografia, Shëndeti Mjedisor  Shkrim Akademik dhe Kërkim Shkencor, Master i Shkencave, Arkeoethnobotanik, Paleobotanik, Trajtimi Energjitik i Mbetjeve, Shkolla e Doktoraturës,  Evolucioni në Sistematikën e Bimëve, 

(2002) Anëtar i Shoqatës “Saving and Protection of Environment Nature in Albania”. (2003 – 2008) Drejtues i Shoqatës ALBNATURE (NGO). (2008-në vijim) Anëtar i Administrates të Institutit Alb-Shkenca. (2008 - në vijim) ELSEVIER reviewer for the Journal of Hazardous Materials (2008 dhe në vijim). 2013 - në vazhdim reviewer for the Journal Waste and Biomass Valorization. 

Ka marrë pjesë dhe drejtuar projekte ndërkombëtare (TEMPUS, NATO sfp, CEPUS, Interreg etj) dhe zhvilluar ekspertiza në fushën e mjedisit. Anëtar i komitetit organizativ dhe shkencor në disa konferenca ndërkombëtare dhe kombëtare.
Publikimet: Autor i  artikujve dhe prezantimeve në veprimtari shkencore kombëtare dhe ndërkombëtare. Autor i librave universitar (tetë): Praktikumi i Botanikës Sistematike (2008/2011/2013/2007); Botanika Sistematike me Elemente të Gjeobotanikës (2009); Sistematika e Bimëve (2012/2016). Botanika (për studentët e Veterinarisë 2015), Cikël Leksionesh Trajtimi Energjitik i Mbetjeve. botuesi 'ENEAS', Tirana 2016.
Gradat dhe titujt akademikë

2009 Titulli “Doktor”, 

2011 Profesor i Asociuar, 

2015 Profesor, 


  • Botanika Sistematike
  • Master Shkencor, Archeoethnobotanika
  • Master Shkencor, Paleobotanika
  • Shkolla Doktoraturës Evolucioni në Sistematikën e Bimëve
  • Master Shkencor Trajtimi Energjitik i Mbetjeve

Tekste mësimore

  • Praktikumi i Botanikës Sistematike, ISBN 978-99956-27-49-2. Botuar 'Uegen', Tirana 2008 A. Hasko. Alma Imeri. Julian Shehu
  • Tekst Botanika Sistematike me Elemente të Gjeobotanikës, ISBN 978-99943-57-79-6. Botues 'Dita 2000' ', Tirana 2009. Prof. Agim Hasko, Dr. Alma Imeri, Msc. Julian Shehu.
  • Tekst Sistematika e Bimëve ISBN 978-9928-110-26-8. Publisher 'ENEAS', Tirana 2012. Julian Shehu, Alma Imeri, Alfred Mullaj.
  • Praktikumi i Botanikës Sistematike, ISBN 978-9928-110-00-8. Botues 'ENEAS', Tirana 2011. Julian Shehu, Alma Imeri.
  • Praktikumi i Botanikës Sistematike, ISBN 978-9928-114- 16 -7. Botues 'ENEAS', Tirana 2013. Julian Shehu, Alma Imeri.
  • Tekst Botanika (për studentët e Veterinarisë), ISBN 9928-110-55-8. Botues 'ENEAS', Tirana 2015. Julian Shehu, Lirika Kupe, Alma Imeri
  • Tekst Botanika Sistematike, ISBN 978-9928-110-65-7. Publisher 'ENEAS', Tirana 2016. Julian Shehu, Alma Imeri
  • Cikël Leksionesh Trajtimi Energjitik i Mbetjeve. Publisher 'ENEAS', Tirana 2016 Julian Shehu


  • Tartufikultura, Agim Hasko, Julian Shehu. ISBN: 99943-31-28-0, UEGEN 2006.
  • “Biologjia e elementeve gjurmë dhe kontributi i ndotjes nga merkuri në bimët e zonës së ndotur të ish uzinës së sodë – P.V.C-së Vlorë”. Julian Shehu, ISBN 978-99956-848-5-3.
  • .

Artikuj shkencorë:

  • Julian Shehu, C. E. Marazioti, Alma Shehu and Gerasimos Lyberatos Monitoring of pollution levels in selected surface waters of Albania Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Vol. 19, Issue 12, 2010. ISSN: 10184619.
  • Julian Shehu, Alma Shehu, Alfred Mullaj. Uptake of Heavy Metals by Different Spontaneous Plant Species Grown along Lana River, Albania. Asian Journal of Chemistry. An International Peer Reviewed Research Journal of Chemistry. Vol. 23, Issue 3, 2010. ISSN 0970-7077. .
  • Julian Shehu, Fatos Harizaj, Ardian Maçi, Alma Shehu Assessment of Accumulation of Mercury by Different Spontaneous Plant Species Grown in Soils of the Industrial PVC-Factory Located in Vlora (Albania) Journal of International Environmental Application & Science.Vol. 4 (4): 391-395 (2009).
  • Shehu Julian, Hasko Agim, Shehu Alma, Jojiç Etleva, Kopali Albert Floristic identification and a preliminary study of plants that accumulate hg in the industrial PVC-Factory, Vlora (Albania) Aktet, Revistë Shkencore e Institutit Alb-Shkenca, Vell.II. Nr 3, Tiranë-Prishtinë-Shkup 2009. ISSN 2073-2244, Faqe 69.
  • Alfred Mullaj, Julian Shehu, Kit Tan, Alma Imeri New records for the Albanian Flora Botanica Serbica,Volume 34.Issue 2, 34 (2): 163-167 (2010) Official Journal of the Institut of Botany and Botanical Garden “Jevremovac” , University of Belgrade, ISSN: 1821-2158.
  • A. Ibraliu, X. Mi, Mihailo Risti, Zora Dajic, Stefanovic and J. Shehu Analysis of essential oils of three wild medicinal plants in Albania Journal of Medicinal Plants Research Vol. 5(1), pp. 58-62, 4 January, 2011. ISSN 1996-0875 ©2011 Academic Journals.
  • Julian Shehu, Alma Shehu, Alban Ibraliu Ndryshimet stinore të nivelit të ndotësve të shkarkimeve ujore në disa qytete të Shqipërisë së Jugut. Revista Zyrtare Shkencore e Kimistëve të Kosovës ‘Acta Chimica Kosovica’. 17(1) 1-88 (2011) Vëllimi 17, Prishtinë 2011.
  • Julian Shehu, Alma Imeri, Lirika Kupe, Erta Dodona, Alma Shehu, Alfred Mullaj Hyperaccumulators of Mercury in the Industrial Area of PVC-Factory, Vlora (Albania), Archives of Biological Sciences Vol. 66, No. 4, 2014, Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 66 (4), 1457-1464, 2014. ISSN 1821-4339.
  • Alma Imeri, Lirika Kupe, Julian Shehu, Erta Dodona, Vjollca Vladi Essential oil composition in three cultivars of Ocimum L. in Albania, Archives of Biological Sciences Vol. 66, No. 4, 2014, ISSN 1821-4339.
  • Shehu A, Lazo. P, Neziri. P, Shehu.J. (2010). Evaluation of Heavy Metals Content in Different Fractions of Waters and Sediments of Shkodra Lake. ACTA CHIMICA KOSOVICA, Vol 16, Nr 2.
  • Julian Shehu, Alma Imeri , Alfred mullaj , Lefter Kashta, Arjana Kraja Preliminary Results from the Study of Flora and Vegetation of Shkodra Lake, Skadarsko Jezero Stanje i Perspektive Liqeni i Shkodrës-gjendja dhe perspektivat. Vell. II 2011, Academia of Sciences, ISSN 978867215654.
  • Imeri A., Mullaj A, Gjeta E., Kalajnxhiu A., Kupe L., Shehu J., Dodona E. Preliminary results from the study of flora and vegetation of Ohrid Lake”. IV International symposium of Ecologists of Montenegro, Abstract book, 6-10 October 2010. pp. 33. ISBN: 978-86-908743-3-0.
  • Shehu J., Kupe L., Shehu A., Imeri A., Mullaj A., Dodona E. Biodiversity and water quality in middle flow of Osumi River. Permbledhje e Punimeve Shkencore te Takimit te Peste te ALB-Shkenca, 2-5 Shtator 2010, Tirane. ISBN: 978-9928-4001-7- 8.
  • Imer A, L. Kupe, J. Shehu, A. Mullaj, E. Dodona. Biomonitoring of Bishtaraka Lagoon. Lucrări Ştiintifice SeriaI, Vol. XII (3).pp. 629-635. Editura Agroprint TimiŞoara 2010. ISSN: 1453-1410. Index Copernicus = 4.28.
  • Alma Imeri, Alfred Mullaj, Ermelinda Gjeta, Alkeda Kalajnxhiu, Lirika Kupe, Julian Shehu and Erta Dodona. Preliminary results from the study of flora and vegetation of Ohrid Lake. Natyra Montenegrina, Vol. 9 (3), pp. 253- 264. ISSN 1451-5776 ,CD-Rom Edition, ISSN 1800-7155 On line Edition.
  • Irena Duka, Seit Shallari, Ardian Maçi, Zamira Rada, Julian Shehu Heavy Metals Accumulation by Aromatic Plant Salvia Officinalis Irrigated with Treated Wastewater” Anglisticum Journal (IJLLIS), Volume 4, issue 9-10, 2015 ; e-ISSN: 1857-1878 ; p-ISSN: 1857-8179
  • Irena Duka, Ardian Maçi, Julian Shehu Characteristics of the sludge from wastewater treatment plants in the territory of Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania”, International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES), ISSN: 2224-4980 Volume 3, Issue 4, September, 2013, (Serial Number 12)
  • A. Imeri, L. Kupe, J. Shehu, E. Dodona, V. Vladi Esential oil composition in three cultivars of Ocimum L. in Albania. Archives of Biological Sciences, Vol. 66, (4), pp. 1641-1644. ISSN 1821-4339, IF Thomson Reuters 2013=0,607.
  • J. Shehu, A. Imeri, L. Kupe, A. Mullaj. The biological invasion in Albania, Albanian Journal Agricultural Sciences. Vol. 13 (special edition), pp. 39-45. Agricultural University of Tirana 2014, ISBN 978-9928-4217-0-8. .
  • Alma Shehu, Pranvera Lazo, Julian Shehu, Anila Neziri Vleresimi I Permbajtjes se Metaleve te Renda ne Fraksionet e Ndryshme te Ujerave dhe Sedimenteve te Liqenit te Shkodres, Acta Chimica Kosovica 17(1) 1-88 (2011) UDC 54:56, Broshura N. 1 Vellimi 17 faqe 01-10 Prishtine 2011.
  • Rigers Bakiu, Gianfranco Santovito, Anila Hoda, Julian Shehu, Silvia Durmishaj, Paola Irato, Ester Piccinni. Metallothionein (MT): a good biomarker in marine sentinel species like sea bream ( Sparus aurata ), Albanian Journal Agricultural Science 2013; 12 (2): 247-253, ISSN 2218-2020 .
  • 22. Irena Duka, Zamira Rada, Ardian Maçi, Julian Shehu Characterization of Wastewaters in Semi Urban Settlements in Agriculture University of Tirana, Albania, International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science Vol. 3(4):779-784 (2013), ISSN 2224-4980.
  • Irena Duka, Seit Shallari, Ardian Maçi, Julian Shehu Heavy Metal Concentration and Physico-Chemical Parameters in Kodër Kamza Soils” Albanian j. agric. sci. 2015; 14 (2):157-161. ISSN: 2218-2020, © Agricultural University of Tirana.
  • Rigers Bakiu, Julian Shehu Akuaponiks-Integrimi i Kultivimit të Peshkut dhe Bimëve, Shkenca dhe Jeta, Botim i Organizatës NEO, Prill 2014, Faqe 30-36

Artikuj konference:

  • M. Barbifieri, E. Tassi, A. Hasko, F. Harizaj, J. Shehu and M.Cornaros Hg content in soil and in spontaneous plant speciec from the industrial area of a former PVC- factory located in Vlora (Albania), Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Managment, Enginering,Planing and Economics, Skiathos, June 24-28, 2007, Pages: 675-680 Editors: A. Kungolos. K. Aravossis. A. Karagiannidis. P. Samaras
  • Shehu J.¹, Hasko A.¹, Shehu A2 Plant that accumulate Hg and their potential use for phytoremedation, Conference of Instititutit Alb-Shkenca, Tirana, Albania, September 2008. ISBN 978-99943-47-80-3, Pg 200.
  • Shehu J, Mullaj A, Ibraliu A, Imeri A Study of Medicinal plants of National Parc of Llogara. Pg 81. International Conference on Biological and Environmental Sciences. 26- 28.09.2008, Albania, ISBN 978-99956-686-7-9.
  • Shehu J, Mullaj A, Imeri A, Ibraliu A Natural Potencials and Perspectives of Sustainable use of Medicinal – Aromatic Plants in Albania. Pg 118, International Conference on Biological and Environmental Sciences. 26-28.09.2008, Albania, ISBN 978-99956-686-7-9.
  • Julian Shehu, Fatos Harizaj, Ardian Maçi, Alban Ibraliu, Alma Shehu Monitoring of Chemical and Physico-Chemical Parameters of Wastewaters in Albania. Conference of Institute Alb-shkenca “IASH-2009”. Tetovë, Macedonia. 31.08,1-2.09.2009. Pg 350.
  • Alfred Mullaj, Dr. Alma Imeri, Valbona Koka, Julian Shehu Cartographic of Natural Habitates in Lalzi bay. Conference of Institute Alb-shkenca “IASH-2009”. Tetovë, Macedonia, 31.08,1-2.09.2009. Pg 376.
  • A. Shehu, P. Lazo, A. Cullaj, J. Shehu, and Lida Pjeshkazini Speciation Analyses of Heavy Metals in Lagoon Sediments of Adriatic Sea, Albania.15th International Symposium on Environmental Polution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region with focus on Environmental Threats in the Mediterranean Region: Problem and Solutions. 2009 Bari, Italy. ISBN: 978-3-936175-12-7. Pg 121.
  • Lefter Kashta, Julian Shehu, Alma Imeri, Alfred Mullaj Preliminary Results from the Study of Flora and Vegetation of Shkodra Lake. Konferenca Ndërkombëtare Shkencore “Liqeni I Shkodrës Gjendja dhe Perspektivat”. Akademia e Shkencave e Shqipërisë - Akademia e Shkencave dhe Arteve të Malit të Zi 19-21 Qershor 2010. Shkodër-Podgorica. Titulli:. ISBN 978-99928-4001-7-8, Pg 373.
  • Alban Ibraliu, Xuefei Mi and Julian Shehu Study correlation between essentail oils obtained from diferent species of Lamiaceae collected from different natural habitat types in Albania. 6th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries.( CMAPSEEC) in Antalya, Turkey on 18-22th April, 2010. Farmacognosy Magazine Vol.6 Issue 22 pp. 56-63. 6th CAMPSEC, Antalya Turkey Pg 241 Full paper
  • Julian Shehu, Alma Shehu, Constantina E. Marazioti and Gerasimos Lyberatos Pollution level in surface waters in Albania. Balkans Regional Young Water Professionals Conference, 29-30 April 2010, Belgrade, Serbia., ISBN 978-86-82565-26-0. Pg.140.
  • Julian Shehu, Alfred Mullaj, Ardian Maçi, Alma Shehu Using High Plant Species as Indicators for the Accumulation of Lead from Polluted Air. Fourth International Conference on Water Observation and Information System for Decision Support BALWOIS 2010. Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia 25 to 29 May 2010. ISBN 978-608-4510-04-8. Pg.708.
  • Julian Shehu, Alfred Mullaj, Alban Ibraliu Salt Marshes Plant Diversity of Coastal Zone in Albania Fourth International Conference on Water Observation and Information System for Decision Support BALWOIS 2010. Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia 25 to 29 May 2010ISBN 978-608-4510-03-1. Pg. 133.
  • Alma Shehu, Alfred Mullaj, Fatos Harizaj, Julian Shehu Assessment of Heavy Metals Accumulation by Different Spontaneous Plant Species Grown along Lana River, Albania. Fourth International Conference on Water Observation and Information System for Decision Support BALWOIS 2010. Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia 25 to 29 May 2010. ISBN 978-608-4510-04-8. Pg. 678.
  • Julian Shehu, Lirika Kupe, Alma Shehu, Alma Imeri, Alfred Mullaj, Erta Dodona Biodiversity and Water Quality in Middle Flow of Osumi River Takimi i Pestë Vjetor Ndërkombëtar të Instititutit Alb - Shkenca, mbajtur në Tiranë, 2-5 Shtator, 2010. ISBN 978-99928-4001-7-8, Pg 223.
  • Julian Shehu, Alfred Mullaj, Alban Ibraliu The flora of some castles in Northern and Central Albania. Takimi i Pestë Vjetor Ndërkombëtar të Instititutit Alb- Shkenca, mbajtur në Tiranë, 2 -5 Shtator, 2010. Titulli ISBN 978-99928-4001-7-8, Pg 373.
  • Julian Shehu*, Fatos Harizaj, Ardian Maçi & Alma Shehu Monitoring of Hg content in different plant species grown in a heavily contaminated region in Albania. IV International Symposium of Ecologists of the Republic of Montenegro. Budva 06-10. October 2010. ISBN 978-86-908743-3-0. Page 45.
  • Ibraliu, A., Faslia, N. Shehu, J. & Mullaj A. Conserving Plant Genetic Diversity in Protected Areas of South Albania Threatened and rare species of the Llogora Park. Simposium CWRs & Landraces in Europe. University of Madeira, Funchal (Portugal) 13-16 September 2010. Page 32.
  • Julian Shehu, Alfred Mullaj, Edlira Sadiku, Alban Ibraliu Flora and vegetation of Petrela and Preza Casttles in Tirana District (Albania), International Conference of Agriculture, Food and Environment, 27-28 May 2011 Korca`, Vol.I No. 2/Vell.I. Nr 2. Pg. 129-137.
  • Irena Duka, Zamira Rada, Ardian Maçi, Julian Shehu Assessment of the quality of sewage waters entering the treatment plant installed near the Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania, Proceeding Book ICE _2012; ISBN: 978-9928-4068-2-8; International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE) Tirana, Albania, June 1-6, 2012
  • Irena Duka, Ardian Maçi, Julian Shehu . Use of a pilot plant for treatment of urban wastewater in the territory of the agriculture university of Tirana, Albania”; IC -2012, 16-17 November 2012, ISBN: 978-9928-4135-0-5; International Conference on “Towards future sustainable development” Shkodër, Albania
  • Julian Shehu, Lirika Kupe Alma Imeri, Alfred Mullaj Survey of some rare and endangered plants in north Albania, 3 th International Conference of Ecosystems, Tirana , Albania. May 31. Jun 5. 2013. Pg 111-115. ISBN 978-9928-4068-6-6
  • Irena Duka, Zamira Rada, Ardian Maçi, Julian Shehu. Characterization of wastewaters in semi urban settlements in Agriculture University of Tirana, Albania”; the 1st International Conference on Research and Education – Challenges Toward the Future (ICRAE 2013), Albania. Proceedings Papers V1 with ISSN: 2308-0825 24-25 May 2013, University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi”, Shkodra, Albania
  • Irena Duka, Ardian Maçi, Julian Shehu. Using of novel secuencing batch reactor for nitrogen removal from domestic wastewater in the territory of Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania, Book of Abstracts, isbn: 978-88-908636-0-8, International Workshop on Nitrogen, Environment and Vegetables (nev 2013), 15-17 April 2013, Turin, Italy
  • Irena Duka, Ardian Maçi, Julian Shehu The application of an appropriate technology to improve removal of nitrogen from wastewater that is discharged into Tirana River”. Proceedings Book ISBN: 978 9928 189 20 2, International Conference, Green Energy and Environmental Science in Albania, Tirana 1-2 December 2014
  • Ermelinda Gjeta., Julian Shehu, Lirika Kupe, Alma Imeri., Alfred Mullaj. Ecologycal and Floristical Aspects in Middle flow of Shkumbini River Basin, International Conference on Carstic Water Bodies in Albania, 09-11 June, Elbasan, Albania, Abstract Book Pg 116, ISBN 978-99956-16- 49-6.
  • Julian Shehu, Lirika Kupe, Alma Imeri, Alfred Mullaj The Biological Invasion in Albania. First International Conference on “Biotechnology in Agriculture” Albanian j. agric. sci. 2014 (special edition), Agricultural University of Tirana, ISBN 978-9928-4217-0-8, Pg.39-45.
  • Julian Shehu, Alma Imeri, Rudina Koci, Alfred Mullaj Coastal salt-marshes in Albania. First International Conference on “Biotechnology in Agriculture” at Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania 22-23 April 2014 Albanian j. agric. sci. 2014 (special edition), Agricultural University of Tirana, ISBN 978-9928-4217-0-8, Pg.47-51.
  • Julian Shehu, Alma Imeri, Alban Ibraliu, Alfred Mullaj Flora and vegetation of Berati Castle in Albania. CMAPSEEC, Conference on Medical and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European 19-22 May, 2014, Durres, Albania Countries. Book of Abstract, ISBN 978-99956-10-64-7, Pg 70, 8-th.
  • Julian Shehu, Alma Imeri, Alban Ibraliu, Alfred Mullaj Natural potentials and sustainable use of medicinal and aromatic plants in Albania. International Conference Green Energy and Environmental Science in Albania, Agricultural University of Tirana, 2-3 December 2014, ISBN 9926-18900-X, Pg 80-86.
  • Julian Shehu, Alma Imeri, Alban Ibraliu, Alfred Mullaj Environment impact of vascular Flora of Durrësi Castle District Albania. International Conference Green Energy and Environmental Science in Albania, Agricultural University of Tirana, 2-3 December 2014, ISBN 9926-18900-X, Pg 200-207.
  • Julian Shehu, Alma Imeri, Alfred Mullaj Flora and vegetation of Rozafa castle in Shkodra District (Albania). Takimi tetë Vjetor Ndërkombëtar të Instititutit Alb - Shkenca, mbajtur në Tiranë, 29-31 Gusht, 2013., ISBN 978-99928-110-34-3, Pg 272. Oral presentation Procedings.
  • Julian Shehu, Fatos Harizaj, Ardian Maci, Alfred Mullaj Identification of plants that accumulate hg in the most polluted area in Albania. 09-13th October, 2013. Budapest and Eger – Hungary ICOAS 2013 - International Conference on Organic Agricultural Sciences, Dora Drexler OMKI, Pg 97.
  • Julian Shehu, Alma Imeri, Alban Ibraliu, Alfred Mullaj Flora and vegetation of Kanina Castle. 25-28 March 2014. Trebinje, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Book of abstracts, 1II International Symposium and XIX Scientific Conference of Agronomists of Republic of Srpska ISBN 978-99938-93-27, Pg 410.
  • Julian Shehu, Alma Imeri, Alban Ibraliu, Alfred Mullaj Flora and vegetation of Durresi Amphitheater, 25-28 March 2014. Trebinje, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Book of abstracts, 1II International Symposium and XIX Scientific Conference of Agronomists of Republic of Srpska ISBN 978-99938-93-27, Pg 409.
  • Alban Ibraliu, Julian Shehu, Fetah Elezi, Najada Kadiasi Variation of essential oils and agro-morphological traits of Origanum vulgare L., in South Albania. First International Conference on “Biotechnology in Agriculture” at Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania 22-23 April 2014 Albanian j. agric. sci. 2014 (special edition), Agricultural University of Tirana, ISBN 978-9928-4217-0-8, Pg.47-51.
  • Ermelinda Gjeta., Julian Shehu, Lirika Kupe, Alma Imeri., Alfred Mullaj Ecological study of serpentine soils in middle flow of Shkumbini river. International Conference of Agriculture, Food and Environment, 27-28 May 2011 Korca`, Vol.I No. 2/Vell.I. Nr 2 ISBN 978-9928-1460-1-4. Pg. 152.
  • Rigers Bakiu, Julian Shehu Aquaponic Systems as excellent agricultural research instruments in Albania. First International Conference on “Biotechnology in Agriculture” at Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania 22-23 April 2014 Albanian j. agric. sci. 2014 (special edition), Agricultural University of Tirana, ISBN 978-9928-4217-0-8, Pg.385-389.
  • Ibraliu A., Faslia N., Shehu J. Mullaj A. Medicinal and aromatic plant and opportunities for sustainable management in Albania. The 2nd International Symposium on Medicinal Plants, Their Cultivation and Aspects of Uses which is to be held during 3-4, November, 2010 in Petra - Jordan. Pg. 56.
  • A. Ibraliu, N. Kadiasi, J. Shehu, F. Elezi Variability of Essential Oil of Menta piperita L., Growing in Albania. 25-28 March 2014. Trebinje, Bosnia and Hercegovina. Book of abstracts, Pg 410, 1II International Symposium and XIX Scientific Conference of Agronomists of Republic of Srpska, ISBN 978-99938-93-27, Pg.347.
  • Ibraliu A., Mullaj A., Faslia N., Shehu J. Flora and plant associations in wildlife sanctuary of Patog- Fushe Kuqe, Albania. 2_FF_P_12. 5th Balkan Botanical Congress, Belgrade, Serbia, September 2009. Pg. 43 (Poster presentation Procedings)
  • A. Ibraliu, Xufei. M., N. Fasllia A. Salillari, J. Shehu Application of statistical software and wolfram mathematical 7 in studying variability of wild pollution of medicinal aromatic plants in Albania. International Conference of Agriculture, Food and Environment, 27-28 May 2011 Korca`, Vol.I No. 2/Vell.I. Nr 2. ISBN 978-9928-1460-1-4, Pg. 220-225.
  • Alma Imeri, Alfred Mullaj, Ermelinda Gjeta, Julian Shehu, Lirika Kupe, Alkeda Kalajnxhiu Preliminary results from the study of flora and vegetation of Ohrid lake. Proceedings of the IV International Symposium of Ecologists of the Republic of Montenegro. Budva 06-10. October 2010. ISBN 978-86-908743-3-0, Page 33.
  • Anna Bieber, Aleksandra Nikolic, Esma Velagic, Habul, Helga Willer, Ivan Manolov, Atanaska Stoeva, Anna and Urs Niggli Divéky-Ertsey, Syle Sylanaj, Shukri Fetahu, Julian Shehu, Ardian Maçi. Model of Organic Agriculture Integration into Official Agricultural Academic Education. 25th International Scientific - Experts Congress on Agriculture and Food Industry 25-27 September 2014 Çeşme-Izmir/Turkey.
  • Rudina Koci, Alfred Mullaj, Alma Imeri, Julian Shehu Flora and vegetation of south west part of Vlora Bay, Albania, Albanian j. agric. sci. 2017; (Special edition).
  • Irena Duka, Sonila Duka, Seit Shallari, Ardian Maçi and Julian Shehu The role of Sage plant in heavy metals uptake from wastewater treated. 2017. Albanian j. agric. sci. (special edition), Agricultural University of Tirana
  • I. Ntaikou, G. antonopoulou, S. Dailianis, V. Drakopoulos, F. Harizaj, P. Laze, J. Shehu, I. Vyrides, G. Lyberatos Holistic approach for the management of domestic wastewaters via constructed wetlands and exploitation of biomass and effluents for nutrients, water ang energy recovery, 7th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomas Valorization, July 2-5 2018 Prague Czech- Republic.

Fushat e interesit:

  • Veprimtaria kërkuese është fokusuar në Florë: bioakumulimin e metaleve nga toka në bimë.
  • Shfrytëzimin e biomasës në pastrimin e ujërave.
  • Trajtimi energjitik I mbetjeve.


  • PPD- Partner Project Director) : NATO “SCIENCE FOR PEACE” , Project number : NATO TC EAP SfP 982816 “Environmental Security Enhancement through an Innovative Process for Nitrogen Removal. 2008- 2011”.. Koordinator i projektit.
  • Project Director, Nr: A2374-TF2-196, REC (Qendra Rajonale Mjedisore) Rehabilitimi mjedisor në Kodër-Kamëz, një model i mirë për përmirësimin e ekuilibrave bio-ekologjike. 2009-2010. Kordinator Projekti.
  • Bilateral (Slovenian) Project: (2010-2011) “Studies of metallophytes for the use in phytoremediation in polluted area of Vlora bay, Albania”. Key personnel.
  • Project title: Phytoremedation of Sites Contaminated with Heavy Metals. NATO Science Programe Cooperative Science and Technology Sub – Programme. Collaborative linkage grant (2002-2005), NATO Scientific Affairs Division, Bd Leopold III, B-1110 Brussels, Belgium, e-mail : Anëtar projekti.
  • S &T Cooperation Programme Between the Republic of Italy and the Republic of Albania. (2005-2007). Title of the project : Heavy Metal Pollution in Mine Areas of Albania. Testing Phytoremedation Techniques. Anëtar projekti
  • Project: Heavy metal pollution in mine areas of Albania: testin phytoremedation techniques (2005-2007). Cooperation programme with Sardian Regional Government (Italy) and Agricultural University of Tirana; Anëtar projekti
  • Projekti Kombëtar për Resurset Gjenetike të Bimëve SEEDNet. Bimët Mjekësore dhe Aromatike (MAPs), (South East European Development Network on Plant Genetic Resources) në periudhën 2007-2010. Anëtar projekti
  • Inventory of local populations of Yellow Gentiana (Gentiana lutea L.) in South-Eastern Europe, 2007-2008, SEEDNet. Anëtar projekti
  • Genetic Structure of Dalmatian Sage (Salvia officinalis L.) Populations: A Model for a Collaborative Research on MAP Genetic Resources”, 2009-2010, SEEDNet. Anëtar projekti
  • Project: Trans Adriatic Pipeline- TAP, Project code: 0131979. Anëtar i Grupit të Punës (Flora) për VNMS. 2012-2013.
  • SCOPES 2009-2012. Project number: IZ74Z0_137328/1. “Advancing training and teaching of organic agriculture in South-East Europe”, Scientific co-operation between Eastern Europe and Switzerland. Anëtar projekti
  • ELISAA - E-Learning Innovation and Sustainable Albanian Agriculture” TEMPUS No. 530531, 2013-2016. Anëtar projekti
  • Renewable Energy Studies in Western Balkan Countries (RESI), Tempus Project 544504 –TEMPUS – 1 – DE – TEMPUS – JPCR, 2014-2017. Anëtar projekti
  • Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Agriculture in the Alps-Danube-Adriatic–Region, (Acronym: LifeADA), nr. 544595-TEMPUS-1-2013-1HR-TEMPUS-JPHES. 2014-2017. Anëtar projekti
  • IPA-Defishgear : " Derelict Fishing Gear Management System in The Adriatic Region” 03.12.2013 - October 2016. Anëtar projekti
  • Projekti: “Botanical Park, an integral part of the campus of the Agricultural University of Tirana ". January 2015- 2016. A collaboration between the Agricultural University of Tirana and the Ministry of Environment. Koordinator i projektit
  • Kordinator i Programit CEEPUS ("Central European Exchange Program for University Studies") 2011-2016
  • Koordinator projekti “Optimisation of decentralized domestic wastewater treatment and sanitation via constructed wetlands” DOMUS_CW, 2019-2020 Program INTERREG
  • Koordinator projekti “Skadar Lake withOut chemicaL pollUTION/ SOLUTION” 2020- 2022, Cross Border Cooperation Programme Montenegro - Albania 2014-2020, under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance 2014-2020 (IPA II).
  • Person Kontakti për Universitetin e Tiranës në projektin ku UT është Lead Partner, Programi Erasmus+ me titull “Internationalization at Home: Embedding Approaches and Structures to Foster Internationalization at Western Balcans INTERBA” 2019 – 2022
  • Koordinator Projekti: Strengthening University Autonomy and increasing accountability and transparency in Western Balkan Universities”- STAND. 36 muaj 618805-EPP-1-2020-1-XK-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP. Erasmus+ KA2 Call EAC/A02/2019 - Selection Year 2020

  • 23-25/09/2015 Certifikuar - University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany, was conducted in the frame of the EU Tempus Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Agriculture in the Alps- Danube-Adriatic– Region, (Acronym: LifeADA), nr. 544595-TEMPUS-1-2013-1HR- TEMPUS-JPHES
  • 01/06/2010 – 31/08/2010 University of Patras, Greece, Department Chemical Engineering
  • 20-29/05/ 2009 Certifikuar – Identify, collect and conserve through the use cultivated PGRFA and wild relatives.
  • 23-25/02 2009 Certifikuar – Has completed the SEEDNet 2009-Workshop: Gene Bank Management - Arranged by the Nordic Genetic Resource Center (NORDGEN)
  • 03/12/2007 - 31/03/2008 University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany in the Framework of European Union of TEMPUS Project N°CD_JEP – 17089-2002 “Reform of the Agricultural Studies.
  • 27/03/2006 – 7/04/ 2006 Certifikuar Bari, Itali for “Procedures of inspection and certification in Biology Agriculture (IAM , in colaboration with ICEA (Institute for Certification and Ethic Environmental)
  • 28/06/2006 – 03/08/2006 University of Patras, Greece, Department Chemical Engineering
  • Certifikatë nga ADA Microsoft Office tools (Word, Excel and Power Point)
  • 2013 - në vazhdim reviewer for the Journal Waste and Biomass Valorization
  • 24/04/2003 - 2008 - Drejtues i Shoqatës ALBNATURE (NGO)
  • 2008 - në vazhdim Anëtar i Administrates të Institutit Alb-Shkenca
  • 2008 - në vazhdim ELSEVIER reviewer for the Journal of Hazardous Materials (Impact Factor Thomson Reuters for 5 years 6.339)
  • 2002 - Anëtar i Shoqatës “Saving and Protection of Environment Nature in Albania”