Prof.Dr. Klementina Puto

Prof. Dr. Klementina Puto, Përgjegjëse e Departamentit të Bioteknologjisë 2016 e vazhdim. Lektore dhe Kërkuese në Departamentin e Bioteknologjisë, Fakulteti i Shkencave të Natyrës, Universiteti i Tiranës, nga viti 2008. Në vitet 2012-2016 është zgjedhur antare e Këshillit të Fakultetit, UT. Në vitet 1989 – 2008 ka qënë pedagoge në Departamentin e Biologjisë, Universiteti "Eqrem Çabej", Gjirokastër, lektore e lëndëve Mikrobiologji, Virologji, Histologji-Embriologji dhe Biologji e Përgjithshme në CU. Në vitet 1998-2013 ka qënë Përgjegjëse e Departamentit të Infermierisë, Universiteti "Eqrem Çabej". Gjithashtu, në vitin 2018, në këtë Universitet, është zgjedhur antare e Këshillit të Fakultetit të Shkencave të Natyrës dhe antare e Senatit. Ka marrë pjesë në disa trainime të ndryshme dhe projekte kombëtare e ndërkombëtare. Autore e dhjetra artikujve shkencorë dhe pjesëmarrëse në shumë takime, seminare e konferenca Kombëtare dhe Ndërkombëtare. Autore e disa teksteve mësimore universitare. Anëtare në Komitete Shkencore dhe Borde Editoriale në disa Konferenca. Ka udhëhequr 5 doktoratura. Ka udhëhequr mbi 30diploma në masterat shkencorë të Departamentit të Bioteknologjisë kryesisht mbi gjendjen e cilësisë mikrobike të ujërave sipërfaqësore shqiptare, si dhe prevalencën e mikroorganizmave patogjene shkaktare të infeksioneve të ndryshme, antibiotiko-reezistencën e tyre, mbi Izolimin, purifikimin dhe ruajtjen e Majave (Koleksioni Kombëtar i Majave) gjendje në Departamentin e Bioteknologjisë, etj.

Gradat dhe titujt akademikë

Janar 2015: Titulli Profesor, numër Diplome 255.

Korrik 2003: Titulli shkencor 'Profesor i Asociuar', numër dëshmie 477.

Qershor 1999: Grada shkencore 'Doktor', numër Diplome 394, në fushën e Biologjisë, Departamenti i Biologjisë, FSHN, UT

1997 -1998: Shkollë Pasun


  • Mikrobiologjia&Gjenetika e Mikroorganizmave/ Bachelor II në Bioteknologji.
  • Virologji-Imunologji/ Bachelor III në Bioteknologji.
  • Teknologji Fermentative&Gjenetika e Mikroorganizmave/ MSH I në 'Bioteknologji Molekulare dhe Industriale'

Tekste mësimore

  • Klementina Puto, Rexhep Shkurti (2011). Tekst universitar: "Gjenetika e Mikroorganizmave". Botim SHBLU. Tiranë.
  • K.Puto, S. Gjini, S. Oruçi. (2004). "Biologjia" (Praktikum për studentë të Ciklit të Ulët dhe parashkollorë). ISBN 99927-909-9-7
  • M. Hysko, K.Puto, F. Hizmo. (2001). Virologjia. Tekst universitar. Shtëpia botuese Fllad. ISBN 99927-754-4-0


  • Shigelat. (Rezistenca ndaj antibiotikeve e shigelave qe kane qarkulluar ne rrethin e Gjirokastres gjate viteve 19831995). ISBN: 9789928119445

Artikuj shkencorë:

  • Puto K., Bacu. A. (2015). “Konfirmimi i pozicionit taksonomik të shtameve të KK të majave industriale nëpërmjet teknikave qelizore e molekulare, izolimi, purifikimi dhe ruajtja e ADN gjenomike të këtyre shtameve”. AKTI (Programet kombëtare të kërkimit dhe zhvillimit për vitet 2010-2014). V.II.
  • Ferizi. Rr., Puto K., at al. (2015). “Biochemical Evaluation of Rutilus rutilus and Carassius gibelio in different Rivers (Kosova)” 2. Journal of Entomology and Zoology studies. E-ISSN: 2320-7078 P-ISSN: 2349-6800 JEZS 2015; 3(5)
  • Ferizi. Rr., Puto K., at al. (2015). “Analyses Of Microbiological Data Indicates From Physic-Chemical Parameters, In Fish Species From Sitnica, Lepenci And Lumbardhi I Prizrenit Rivers (Kosova)”. International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Sciences (IJEES) Vol. 5 (2): 207-212
  • Piro Ç., Puto K. (2014). “The Assessment of Microbiological Water Quality of Drino and Vjosa Rrivers, Alabania”. The 14th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference & Expo SGEM, Volume: 1; ISBN: 978-619-7105-13-1; ISSN: 1314-2704; DOI: 10.5593/sgem2014B31, p 723 – 730.
  • Nezaj R., Puto K. (2014). “Drinking water quality in Lezha Region for the period 2006 – 2013”. Global Impact Factor (GIF) IF= 2013: 0.541; International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES). Selected for publication in journal IJEES, ISSN 2224-4980, Volume 4, issue 3.
  • Hila N., Puto K. (2014). “Surveillance of multi-drug resistance of Salmonella typhimurium strains. Twenty years review”. AJPTR ISSN: 2249-3387 Am. J. PharmTech Res. 2014; 4(1). Impact factor 0.705, ajptr.
  • Piro Ç., Puto K. (2014). "Variation of Microbial Pollution in Water of Vjosa and Drino Rivers". (Impact Factor 0.323). IJSR. Volume : 3 | Issue : 1 | January 2014 • ISSN No 2277 – 8179, p. 31-3
  • Shkurti R., Puto K., Kiçaj H. (2014). "Frequency of Brucellosis Dissemination on the Southern and Southern-East Region of Albania". (Impact factor F 0.821) Indian Journal of Applied Research php?m=January&y=2014&id=28. IJAR. Volume : 4 | Issue : 1 | Jan 2014 | ISSN - 2249-555X, p. 45-47
  • Piro Ç., Puto K.. & Azemaj E. (2014). "Microbiological Pollution of Vjosa and Drino Rivers and the Fresh Vegetable Contamination by Irrigation". Impact Factor: 0.576. Universal Impact Factor: 0.205. Index Copernicus ICV: 4.83, Journal Citation Value (JCV): 1.48, (IJACS). International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences. (IJACS) (ISSN: 2227-670X)
  • Puto K., Hila N., Shkurti R. (2013). “Oral, Intestinal and Vaginal Candidiasis, Pathogenesis and Clinical Presentation in Elbasan (Albania)”. (Impact Faktor 0. 821) Indian Journal of Applied Research. IJAR, Volume: 3 | Issue: 12 | Dec 2013 | ISSN - 2249-555X. p. 471-473
  • Hila N., Puto K., Mali S. (2013). Antimicrobial Resistance of the Salmonella’s Strains. Twenty Years Review. IJSR. (IF 0.323) IJSR Volume: 2 | Issue : 11 | November 2013 • ISSN No 2277 – 8179, p. 49-51.
  • Puto K. (2013). “Safety of the Fresh Vegetables from Irrigation with Water River”. Global Impact Factor (GIF). International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES). IF= 2013: 0.541; (IJEES) ISSN 2224-4980 Volume 3/2, page 211-218;
  • Nezaj R., Puto K. (2013). “Assessment of microbiological contamination level of drinking water for Lezha Region”. Natura Montenegrina, 2013 – (ISSN 1800-7155) On line edition, Pg 1035-1043
  • Puto K., Hila F., Hila. (2013). “Evaluation of Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Bacterial Pathogens in Ishëm River Pouring into the Adriatic Sea, Albania”. (Publishing) Authors: 13h International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference & EXPO – SGEM. SGEM, ISBN: 978-619-7105-02-5; ISSN: 1314-2704; DOI: 10.5593/sgem2013. P. 133-141
  • Puto K. (2013). “Impact of the Water Quality of the Erzeni River on the Microbial Safety of Fresh Vegetables. Agriculture & Forestry, Podgorica. Agriculture & Forestry, ISSN: 1800-9492 (online), Vol. 58. Issue 3: UDC (UDK) 642.12:574.57 (469.5) p. 141-153
  • Piro Ç., Puto K. (2013). "Microbial Pollution in Drino River (Gjirokastra’s District) and its impact on fresh vegetables". Natura Montenegrina, Podgorica 2013, 12 (2): ISBN: 1800-7155 on line edition. P.493-504 Published in Journal for Science and Popular Science “Natura Montenegrina”, ISSN 1451-5776, No.12/2013, Vol. 12 (2), p: 493-504.
  • Puto K. (2011). Variation of Microbial Pollution (Sf and Cf) in Water Rivers 0f Tirana and Shkodra, International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES). IJEES, Volume 1/ 2011,” Special Issue, ICE”, Tirana, Albania” page 13-18

Artikuj konference:

  • Puto K., Luka O. (2017). Estimation of chemical-physical parameters and bacterial indicators FC/FS in Velipoja area waters (Adriatic Sea). 19th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region. Rome, Italy. h Book of abstract. Pg. 404-405
  • Puto K., at al. (2017). “The impact of the healthy environment in the lake of Pogradec-essential for regional development”. The 6th International Multidisciplinary Conference on New Advanced Methodologies and Techniques in Scientific Research. Proceeding book, ISBN 978-9928-4374-7-1. Volume 2, pg. 43-47. ICTEA 2017. Ioannina, Greece.
  • Hila N., Puto K. (2017). “The level of knowledge regarding blood donation among alabanian teenegers”. The 6th International Multidisciplinary Conference on New Advanced Methodologies and Techniques in Scientific Research. Proceeding book, ISBN 978-9928-4374-7-1. Volume 2, pg. 182-186. ICTEA 2017. Ioannina, Greece.
  • Libohova R, Sadikaj R., Puto K., at al. (2016). Influence of water temperatures and the rainfall over the content of two sets of bacteria defiling enters originating fecal (fc + fs) in Narta lagoon and Orikum (coastal region of Vlora). Në Buletinin Kërkimi shkencor në bujqësi dhe prodhimin shtazor për zhvillim rural. Nr. 1
  • Ferizi Rr., K. Puto. (2015). Analyses Of Helicobacter Pylori On The Blood Fish Species From Sitnica, Lepenci And Lumbardhi I Prizrenit River (Kosovo). 5th Interantional Conference of Ecosistems. ICE 2015 ISBN: 978-9928-4248-3-9 Procceding book, P. 212-216
  • Puto K., et al. (2014). HIV-AIDS and the importance of knowledge and education as the best vaccine to protect from it. 2nd International Conference on Applied Biotechnology. Tirana, Albania. Abstract, Proceedings ISBN: 978-99943-0-367-0. P 177-182
  • Puto K. et al. (2014). Dynamics of shigella at Librazhd district and their resistance to antibiotics. 2nd International Conference on Applied Biotechnology. Tirana, Albania. Abstract, Proceedings ISBN: 978-99943-0-367-0. P 182-188
  • Piro Ç., Puto K., Azemaj E. (2014): “The Evaluation of Microbiological Water Quality of Drino and Vjosa Rivers and the Role of their Irrigation Water in Bacterial Contamination of Fresh Vegetables” - 4th International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE) Tirana, Albania, May 2014. Abstract: ISBN 978-9928-4068
  • Piro Ç, Puto K. (2014) “The Assessment of Microbiological Water Quality of Drino and Vjosa Rivers, Albania” - The 14th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference & Expo SGEM 2014, Volume: 1; ISBN: 978-619-7105-13-1; ISSN: 1314-2704; DOI: 10.5593/sgem2014B31, p 723 – 730.
  • Ferizaj Rr., Puto K. (2014). Evaluation of microbiological quality in some fish species from Sitnica, Lepenci and Lumbardhi i Prizrenit river (Kosovo). 2nd International Conference on Applied Biotechnology. Tirana, Albania. Abstract, Proceedings ISBN: 978-99943-0-367-0. P 50-54
  • Hila N., Puto K. et al. (2014). Incidence of acute gastroenteritis in the population of Durres. 2nd International Conference on Applied Biotechnology. Tirana, Albania. Abstract, Proceedings ISBN: 978-99943-0-367-0. P 191-196
  • Hila N., Puto K. et al. (2014). Hepatitis C and B virus infections among people in Elbasan district. 2nd International Conference on Applied Biotechnology. Tirana, Albania. Abstract, Proceedings ISBN: 978-99943-0-367-0. P 196-2001
  • Piro Ç, Puto K., at al. (2014). “Assessment of (Microbiological) Water Quality of Viroi Lake Addressed to the Protection of Biodiversity”. International Conference on Applied Biotechnology – ICAB - Tirana, 22 September, 2014.
  • Puto K., Gjata L., at al. (2013). Microbiological Pollution in Narta Lagoon And its Impact On Fish. ISEM5. V INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF ECOLOGISTS OF THE REPUBLIC OF MONTENEGRO ISEM5. Abstract. ISBN 978-86-908743-4-7 (Centre for biodiversity of Montenegro) COBISS.CD-ID 22867216. p.17
  • Puto K., Ahmeti D., at al. ( 2013). “The Incidence of Group A Beta Hemolytic Streptococcus in Respiratory Tract Infections in Tirana. 2ND International Conference Research and Education in Natural Sciences. (Rens201)3, Shkoder, Albania. Proceedings book. ISBN: 978-9928-4135-5-0. P. 225-231
  • Puto K., Sota V., Papa S., Luarasi L. (2013). Environmental Education as a Key With a Great Impact on Life Quality. 2ND International Conference Research and Education in Natural Sciences. Shkoder, Albania. Proceedings book. ISBN: 978-9928-4135-5-0. P. 600-605
  • Puto K., Reçka L. (2013). Curriculum For The Global Education, BASOPED, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, 26-29 September. 16th Conference of the Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education, (BASOPED) “The Image of the “Other”/the Neighbour In the Educational Systems of the Balkan Countries”. Book of Abstract. P.17
  • Piro Ç., Puto K., at al. (2013). Water managment and microbial quality of the water of Drino and Vjosa’s rivers. 2013 International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE) Tirana, Albania. ICE. Proceedings ISBN: 978-9928-4068-7-3. p. 797-802
  • Puto K., Bacu A., at al. (2012). The impact in public health of microbial pollution of coastal area of Durrës during the years 2009-2011. Bena, Istanbul, Sustainable Landscape Planning and Safe Environment, Istanbul Technical University, Proceeding, ISBN 978-975-561-421-2; 625-630. B.E.N.A Proceedings, ISBN 978-975-561-421-2; p. 625-630
  • Puto K., Mata V., Bacu A. (2012). The university role in public awareness for a clean environment. B.E.N.A. Sustainable Landscape Planning and Safe Environment, Istanbul Technical University. Abstract & Proceedings, ISBN 978-975-561-421-2; p.781-787
  • Puto K., Kokalari E. at al, (2012). Impact of urban environment in the quality of waters of the Erzeni river (Albania). 2nd International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE 2012) Tirana, Albania. ICE, Abstract ISBN: 978-9928-4068-5-9, p.71 & Proceendings book ISBN: 978-9928-4068-2-8 P. 398-403
  • 1. Klementina Puto, Figali Hila. 2012. Data on microbiological pollution of Vlora coastal zone and its impact on public health and environment. MarCoastEcos2012, Proceedi International conference on Marine and Coastal Ecosystems (MarCoastEcos2012), Albania. ngs book, ISBN: 978-9928-137-38-8, p.500-506
  • Nezaj R., Puto K. (2012). A Study on the Pollution Level of Drinking Water for Lezha Region. BALWOIS 2012, Ohrid, Macedonia, Conference on Water, Climate & Environment.
  • Nezaj R., Puto K. (2012). A Study on the Pollution Level of Drinking Water for Lezha Region. BALWOIS 2012, Ohrid, Macedonia, Conference on Water, Climate & Environment.n 35. h BALWOIS 2012. Abstract & Proceeding ISSN ISBN 978-608-4510-10-9
  • Puto K., Papa S. et al. (2011). ”Impact of livestock products contaminated with brucellosis in the health of the population in Southern Albania”. International Scientific Conference of Agriculture Food Environment.    Abstract book, ISBN: 978-9928-4055-7-9, p133 Korce, Albania & Proceedings books, ISBN: 978-9928-14-601-4, ISBN kolon: 978-9928-14-600-7. P. 550-557
  • Puto K., Hila F. (2011). “The impact of urban discharges on the microbiological quality of water of same rivers in Elbasan, Fier and Ishmi river”. “International Conference on Carstic Water Bodies in Albania”. Book of abstracts, ISBN: 978-99956-16-49-6, p. 103 & Proceedings, ISBN: 978-99956-16-1. P. 182-187
  • Puto K., et al. (2011). “Data on microbiological and physical chemical quality of well water of Tirana used by population”. “International Conference on Carstic Water Bodies in Albania”. Book of abstracts, ISBN: 978-99956-16-49-6, p. 105 & Proceedings ISBN: 978-99956-16-1. P. 188-193
  • Puto K. (2011). “Assessment of Diploma Topics for students of Master Courses in Biology”. BASOPED. Book of abstracts, ISBN: 978-86-82019-64-0, p 125. 14th International Conference, “Evaluation in Education in the Balkan Countries”. (Member of scientific committee of the conference). & Proceedings ISBN: 978-86-82019-66-4.
  • Puto K. (2011). “Environmental Education and its Impact on Quality of Life”. “The IV International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The Modern Society and Education”. Scopje, Ohrid. & Book of Proceedings, ISBN: 978-978-9989-823-33-6, p 899-905
  • Puto K., Kokalari E. (2011). “Urban Liquid Discharge in Water Microbial Quality Adriatic and Ionian Seas”. nternational Conference, “Biotechnological Development”. Book of Abstracts, ISBN: P. 16 & Proceedings. ISSN: 224-1779. P. 40-48

Fushat e interesit:

  • Mikrobiologjia e ujrave të pijshëm dhe sipërfaqësorë. Indikatorët bakterialë si tregues të ndotjes nga patogjenët i ujrave, (CF/KF).
  • Mikrobiologjia e ajrit dhe impakti i tij në Shëndetin Publik.
  • Izolimi, purifikimi dhe ruajtja e Majave.
  • Sëmundjet infektive dhe antibiotiko-rezistenca e tyre. metoda alternative për rritjen e ndjeshmërisë së baktereve ndaj antibiotikëve.


  • 2016. Projektit të FSHN me temë: “Vlerësimi i cilësisë së ujërave dhe ajrit nëpërmjet treguesve fiziko-kimikë dhe biologjikë në zonën e Liqenit të Pogradecit”. Kordinatore e projektit, Klementina PUTO.
  • 2013-2014. PKKZH Project, the Agency of Research, Technology and Innovation. "The confirmation of the taxonomic position of the strains of the national collection of the industrial yeast through the cell and molecular techniques”. Director of the Research Group, Prof. As. Dr. Klementina Puto
  • 2012. Project of Excellence (group project, department). “The exploitation of the bio-technological methods on the assessment of the natural and inducted biodiversity within and among the various types, the early diagnosis of the phito-pathologies and the extensive understanding of the interaction among the bio and abiotic factors, the main reasons for the environmental pollution". Biotechnology, FNS, Tiranë.
  • 2011. Project of Excellence, Cooperator. "Monitoring of fishing reserves and the microbe pollution in Narta lagoon and assessment of the ecological status through the fish populations". Bio Technology Department, FNS, Tiranë.
  • 2011. The project on Erzen River. The implementation of the national plan on the approximation of environmental legislation in Albania, financed by the EU Delegation to Tirana and the Agreement between the Agency for Environment and Forestry and the consultant Grontmij/ Carl Bro A/S on the assessment of the Water quality in the basin of Erzen River.
  • 2009-2010. Project/ the leading department of the project. Co-operator of the Project between the Agency of Environment and Forestry, Tirana and the Biotechnology Department for the year 2010, “On the microbial tests of the surface water regarding : Coliform faecalis dhe Streptococci faecalis”.

  • 2018. Oponente/eksperte e disa projekteve nga AKKSHI. Programi i bashkëpunimit midis Italisë dhe Republikës së Shqipërisë (2018-2019).
  • K. Puto. Mobilitet për Teaching Mobility në kuadër të Marrëveshjes Ndër-institucionale me Universitetin e Sofjes, Bullgari, Maj 2017 në kuadrin e Programit Erasmus Plus 2015-2017.
  • 2015. Participant in the international technical cooperation project-PTB number 95075. “Measurement Uncertainty training-Microbiology”. ISO 29201, ISO 11352, ISO 19036. “Promotion of regional cooperation in South East Europe in the field of quality infrastructure”, BATA accreditation.