Dr. Arben Memo

Dr Arben Memo zoteron nje Diplome Master ne Menaxhim dhe Politika Mjedisore nga Universiteti i Manchesterit sidhe ka doktoruar ne Kimi ne Universitetin e Siegenit ne Gjermani. 

Ai gjithashtu eshte angazhuar si Drejtues i Shoqates se Rrjetit Profesional te Konsulenteve Profesioniste Shqipetare ACN (Albanian Consulting Network www.albconsulting.org) sidhe ne pozicione te ndryshme ne rrjete te specializura te ekspertizes persa i perket Menaxhimit te Cilesise, Sigurise Ushqimore apo Mjedisore dhe asaj ne Pune, Sigurimit te Cilesise ne Laboratore, Kristalografise, etj. Per sa me siper ai bashkepunon me nje sere partneresh nderkombetare ne projekte te ndryshme brenda dhe jashte vendit.

Gjate karrierres se tij profesionale Dr.Memo ka punuar disa vite edhe ne Industrine Kimike duke mbajtur pozicionin e Drejtuesit teknik. Ai zoteron shume mire gjuhen angleze, gjermane dhe ate italiane.

Dr.Memo jep aktualisht mesim ne Universitetin te Tiranes dhe mbulon Lendet e Kimise Inorganike (baze dhe te avancuar), Historise se Kimise dhe Menaxhimit te Cilesise per studentet e Bachelor dhe Master, ne Departamentet e Kimise dhe te Kimise Industriale e Mjediore. 

Altin Mele, Viviana Scognamiglio, Valeria Nocerino, Luca De Stefano, Arben Memo, Roberta G. Toro,Manuela Rossi,Francesco Baldassarre and Francesco Capitelli, “In-Depth Characterization of Natural Clays from Southeast Albania”, Crystals 2024, 14(10), 903.


IMS knowledge-based system build on TWiki platform

Arben Memo, Ermal Çifligu, Leonat Luli, Besmir Zanaj

EOQ (European Organization for Quality) 61st Congress, 11-12 of October 2017, Bled Slovenia – Conference Paper and Presentation.


The role of the Quality Manager in developing economies for transforming the organisations towards excellence using the new requirements of ISO 9001:2015 Model

EOQ (European Organization for Quality) 61st Congress, 11-12 of October 2017, Bled Slovenia – Conference Paper and Presentation.

Gentian Muça, Leonat Luli , Enilda Lama, Arben Memo


Assuring iso 9001 and iso 14001 management system representatives’ authority, responsibility on implementation of those management system standards through increased competences in order to achieve what from those standards is and will soon be required.

A.Memo , A.Petre, A.Xhelaj

EOQ (European Organization for Quality) 59th Congress –11-12 of June 2015, Athens Greece – Conference Paper and Presentation.


Albanian food law requirements regarding HACCP and the possible current worldwide food safety management systems (FSMS) to be applied from the food business operators in Albania.

A.Memo, A.Petre, A.Xhelaj, T.Kote

Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 6, pp. 97-101, (2014).


Compounding of polystyrene and silylated cellulose with organically modified clay

Altin MeleKledi XhaxhiuArdita MeleGenta SheganiJona KerriArben Memo

IV International Congress “Engineering, Environment and Materials in Processing Industry, Jahorina, Republika Srpska, Bosnia & Herzegovina; (2015).



Altin MeleKledi XhaxhiuArben Memo

IV International Congress: “Engineering, Environment and Materials in Processing Industry”, Jahorina, Republica Srpska, Bosnia & Herzegovina; (2015).


A New Way of Syntheses of Rubidium- and Cesium Triiodides in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. 

K. Xhaxhiu, A. Mele, A. Memo, B. Seiti, T. Kota, K. Dule

Asian Journal of Chemistry, 24(9) 3879-3883. (2012).


A new way of syntheses of rubidium - and cesium triiodides in supercritical carbon dioxide. 

Xhaxhiu K., Memo A. et.al.

ChemCom (2011).


Materials with layered structures XIII: Electrical and optical Properties of layered Chalcogenides in the system CoIn2S4-CoIn2Se4 A. Memo, W. Kwarteng_Acheampong and H. Haeuseler Mater. Res Bull. 38, 1057-1061 (2003).


Magnetic and Mössbauer Study of the Novel FeIn2S2Se2 Layered Compound
G. F. Goya, A. Memo und H. Haeuseler J. Solid State Chem. 164, 326-331 (2002). 


A new layered phase in the system NiIn2S4-NiIn2Se4 A. Memo and H. Haeuseler Z. Naturforsch. 57 b, 509-511 (2002).


A.Memo, Chalkogenide mit Schichtstrukturen: Darstellung, Kristallzucht, Photoleitfähigkeit und magnetische Eigenschaften Globus R. Verlag, (2002), p.133.


Materials with layered structures XI:X-ray power diffraction investigations in the system CuIn5S8-CuIn5Se8 and AgInS8-AgIn5Se8 H. Haeuseler, E. Elitok, A. Memo, A. Osnowsky Mater.Res.Bull.36, 737 – 745 (2001)


Verbindungen mit Schichtstrukturen in den Systemen CuGa5S8-CuIn5S8 und AgGa5S8-AgIn5S8 H.Haeuseler, E. Elitok, A. Memo, und R. Arzani Z.Anorg.Allg.Chem. 627, 1204-1208 (2001)


Memo A. (1997).  Distributed Database Systems in the management of Environmental and Water Resource Problems in Eastern Europe, Russia and CIS (Albanian Case).  NATO Scientific Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers.


Memo A. (1996).  Design of Water Quality Monitoring Programs. Some theoretical and Practical Implications for Albania. Central European University, p.120

  1. Menaxhimi i Cilesise dhe Sigurise ne Laboratore dhe Industri Kimike
  2. Kurrikulat dhe Mesimdhenia e Kimise ne Shkolle
  3. Dizenjimi dhe percaktimi i struktures se brendeshme kristalore te Komponimeve Kimike Inorganike sidhe ndikimi i strukures mbi vetite fiziko-kimike te tyre.

  1. Drejtues i ACN Albanian Consulting Network
  2. Trajner / Auditor i Quality Austria
  3. Themelues i Rrjetit te Eksperteve Nderkombetare TMC
  4. Konsulent Teknik i UNIVARSOLUTIONS permes EMT
  5. Anetar i AAC Assocation of Albanian Crystalographers