Prof. Asoc. Dr. Shaniko Pepa (Allajbeu)

Prof. Asoc. Dr. Shaniko Pepa (Allajbeu) u diplomua në vitin 2012 në Kimi të Përgjithshme në Universitetin e Tiranës, Fakulteti i Shkencave të Natyrës. Prej vitit 2017 ajo është pedagoge me kohë të plotë pranë këtij Fakulteti, vit ku dhe ka fituar gradën shkencore Doktor i Shkencave (PhD) në Kimi me udhëheqës shkencor Prof. Dr. Pranvera Lazo (FSHN, UT) dhe Prof. Dr. Marina Frontasyeva (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Rusi). Në vitin 2024 ka marrë titullin akademik "Profesor i Asociuar" 

Prej datës 07 Qershor 2017 është bashkëthemeluese e Akademisë së të Rinjve pranë Akademisë së Shkencave të Shqipërisë. 

Fusha e saj kërkimore- shkencore lidhet me biomonitorimin e ndotjes së ajrit, ku Shaniko është anëtare e projektit ndërkombëtar "ICP Vegetation" që  prej vitit 2013.

Ajo ka një përvojë të pasur në kërkimin shkencor  ku ka 15 publikime në revista shkencore, 11 nga të cilat te indeksuara ne SCOPUS dhe/ose në JCR dhe  ka marrë pjesë në 29 konferenca ndërkombëtare dhe kombëtare të lidhura me fushën e biomonitorimit.. Shaniko është autor i një libri të publikuar ne SPRINGER në 2021. 


 Gradat dhe titujt akademikë

  • Diplomë Bachelor në Kimi (2010) , Fakultetin e Shkencave të Natyrës, Universitetin a Tiranës, Tiranë, Shqipëri
  • Diplomë Master i Shkencave në Kimi  (2012), Fakulteti i Shkencave të Natyrës, Universiteti i Tiranës, Tiranë, Shqipëri
  • Doktor i Shkencave (PhD)  në Kimi (2017), Fakulteti i Shkencave të Natyrës Universiteti i Tiranës, Tiranë, Shqipëri
  • Profesor i Asociuar (2024), Fakulteti i Shkencave të Natyrës Universiteti i Tiranës, Tiranë, Shqipëri


  • Kimi Inorganike (Leksion, Seminar, Laborator),  Bachelor në Kimi 
  • Kimi e Përgjithshme (Seminar, Laborator),  Bachelor në Kimi Industriale dhe Mjedisore
  • Edukim Mjedisor (Lex, Seminar),  Master i Shkencave në "Kimi", me profil Mësues Kimie për arsimin e mesëm dhe të lartë
  • Praktika në shkollë, Master i Shkencave në "Kimi", me profil Mësues Kimie për arsimin e mesëm dhe të lartë


Fushat e interesit:

  •  Kërkime në fushën mjedisore
  •  Aplikimi i metodave Instrumentale të Analizës (ICP-AES, AAS), dhe atyre Bërthamore (NAA)
  • Zbatim i programeve kompjuterike për analizimin e të dhënave (Minitab)
  • Përdorimi i programit Arc.GIS për shpërndarjen hapsinore të të dhënave



  • Anëtare në Komitetin Drejtues (MC) në COST action (PLANTMETALS) - CA19116 (, nga Prill 2022 - në vazhdim
  •  Researcher në projektin International Cooperative Programme on Effects of Air Pollution on Natural Vegetation and Crops (Moss survey for HM elements)., nga  2013 - në vazhdim.  Project Leader: ICP Vegetation Programme Coordination Centre, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, UK.               

Raport vjetore:

  1. Harry Harmens, Gina Mills, Felicity Hayes, Katrina Sharps, Marina Frontasyeva, and the participants of the ICP Vegetation, September 2016 (Allajbeu Sh. pp. 27). ICP Vegetation Annual Report 2015/2016. Air Pollution and Vegetation.
  2. Marina Frontasyeva, Harry Harmens, Alexander Uzhinskiy, Omar Chaligava and participants of the moss survey (April 2020) "Mosses as Biomonitors of Air Pollution: 2015/2016 Survey on Heavy Metals, Nitrogen and POPs in Europe and Beyond" Report of the ICP Vegetation Moss Survey Coordination Centre, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russian Federation, 136 pp. (Shaniko Allajbeu , Annex 5. Albania reports  pp. 60-61).  ISBN 978-5-9530-0508-1.

Publikime shkencore:

  1. Pranvera Lazo, Sonila Kane (Shehu), Flora Qarri, Shaniko Allajbeu,  Lirim Bekteshi (12 April 2024). 15 Years of Moss Biomonitoring for Air Quality Assessment in Albania. Aerosol and Air Quality Research (Citescore 2022 7.3, JIF 2022 4.0).   E-ISSN 2071-1409; ISSN: 1680-8584 
  2. Sonila Kane (Shehu), Lirim Bekteshi, Shaniko Allajbeu , Pranvera Lazo (5 April 2024, Publishted). Moss biomonitoring of air quality linked with trace metals pollution around a metallurgical complex in Elbasan, Albania. Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health. (Citescore 2022 8.9, JIF 2022 5.8)E-ISSN: 1873-9326;  ISSN: 1873-9318
  3. Shaniko Allajbeu, Flora Qarri, Lirim Bekteshi, Trajce Stafilov, Pranvera Lazo  (August 2023) Atmospheric Deposition Study of Some Trace Metals Using Moss Biomonitoring in the Territory of Albania. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design. Volume 43, Fq.96-101. (CiteScore 0.7).  ISSN: 1857- 8489.
  4. Flora Qarri, Alda Kika, Lirim Bekteshi, Sonila Kane, Shaniko Allajbeu, Pranvera Lazo  (April 2023) Are Mosses Used in Atmospheric Trace Metal Deposition Surveys Impacted by Their Substrate Soils? A National Study in Albania. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicologydoi: 10.1007/s00244-023-00988-1. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37020065. Volume 84, No. 3. pp. 400-412. (CiteScore 2021: 5.1; JIF 2021: 4.53)
  5. Pranvera Lazo, Alda Kika,  Flora Qarri, Lirim Bekteshi, Shaniko Allajbeu, Trajce Stafilov (April  2022). "Air Quality Assessment by Moss Biomonitoring and Trace Metals Atmospheric Deposition". Aerosol and Air Quality Research Volume. 22, 220008 No. 5. pp. 1-13. (CiteScore 2021: 6.5; JIF 2021: 4.53 ISSN: 1680-8584 
  6. Lirim Bekteshi, Shaniko AllajbeuFlora Qarri, Pranvera Lazo, Trajce Stafilov (April 2021) "Moss biomonitoring of air pollution with Cr and Ni in Albania". International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES). Volume 11, issue 2. Fq. 361-366. (JCI 0.04). ISSN: 2224-4980. 
  7. Marjena Bixhi, Vesa Lame, Shaniko Allajbeu  (October 2020). "A review on macro and micro-elements and their role to the human body". Buletini i Shkencave të Natyrës; Nr. 29 . pp. 148-171 ISSN: 2305-882X.
  8. Pranvera Lazo, Trajce Stafilov, Flora Qarri, Shaniko Allajbeu, Lirim Bekteshi, Marina Fronasyeva, Harry Harmens (June 2019) "Spatial distribution and temporal trend of airborne trace metal deposition in Albania studied by moss biomonitoring". Ecological Indicators. Volume 101, pp. 1007-1017. doi.10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.11.053. (CiteScore 7.6; JIF 4.49) ISSN:1470-160X
  9. Flora Qarri, Pranvera Lazo, Shaniko Allajbeu, Lirim Bekteshi, Sonila Kane, Trajce Stafilov (May 2019) "The Evaluation of air quality in Albania by moss biomonitoring and metals atmospheric deposition ". Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. Volume 76-No 4. pp. 554-571. (CiteScore 4.1; JIF 2.135). ISSN:  0090-4341
  10. Pranvera Lazo, Eiliv Steinnes, Flora Qarri, Shaniko Allajbeu, Sonila Kane, Trajce Stafilov, Marina Fronasyeva, Harry Harmens (January 2018) "Origin and spatial distribution of metals in moss samples in Albania: A hotspot of heavy metal contamination in Europe". Chemosphere, vol. 190, pp. 337-349. doi.10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.09.132. (CiteScore 7.4; JIF 5.108).  ISSN:  0045-6535
  11. Shaniko Allajbeu, Lirim Bekteshi, Flora Qarri, Pranvera Lazo, Trajce Stafilov (September 2018) "Spatial distribution and temporal trend of As, Cd, Hg and Pb atmospheric deposition in Albanian moss samples". Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology. Volume 19, issue 3Fq. 967-977.(CiteScore 1.1; JIF 0.634). ISSN: 1311-5065.
  12. Shaniko Allajbeu, Pranvera Lazo, Flora Qarri (February 2019) "Biomonitorimi - një qasje e re për vlerësimin e integruar të shkallës së ndotjes në Shqipëri; Biomonitoring a new approach to integrated assessment of the scale of pollution in Albania". Journal of the Albanian Young Academy. Volume 1, Fq. 233-243. ISSN: 2707-7128; E-ISSN: 2707-7136.
  13. Shaniko Allajbeu, Flora Qarri, Elda Marku, Lirim Bekteshi, Vjollca Ibro, Marina Frontasyeva, Trajce Stafilov, Pranvera Lazo  (June 2017) "Contamination scale of atmospheric deposition for assessing air quality in Albania evaluated from most toxic heavy metal and moss biomonitoring". Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health. Volume 10, issue 5. pp. 587-599. doi.10.1007/s11869-016-0453-9. (Citescore 3.9; JIF 2.662)E-ISSN: 1873-9326;  ISSN: 1873-9318
  14. Shaniko Allajbeu, Nikita Yushin, Flora Qarri, Octavian Duliu, Pranvera LazoMarina Fronasyeva (July 2016) "Atmospheric deposition of rare earth elements in Albania studied by the moss biomonitoring technique, neutron activation analysis and GIS technology" Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 23–No 14, pp.14087-14101. doi:10.1007/s11356-016-6509-4 (Citescore 4.0; JIF 2.76)ISSN: 0944-1344
  15. Shaniko Allajbeu, Sonila Kane, Trajce Stafilov, Marina Fronasyeva, Pranvera Lazo (February 2016) "Determination of trace elements in moss samples with different multi element Analytical Techniques, such as ENAA And ICP-AESAlbanian Journal of Natural and Technical Sciences, (AJNTS) Volume XXI-No 42. pp.3-12. ISSN: 2074-0867


Kapitull libri në Springer

  • Shaniko Allajbeu, Lirim Bekteshi, Pranvera Lazo, Flora Qarri and Trajče Stafilov (March 2021) Spatial Series and Multivariate Analysis in Assessing the Essential (Cu and Zn) and Toxic (As, Cd, Cr, Co, Hg, Ni and Pb) Metals Linked with Health Risk and Ecological Effects of Atmospheric Deposition by Using Bryophyte Moss as Bioindicator. Chapter 2 pp. 33 - 74 In book: Biljana Balabanova,  Trajče Staflov (eds.), Contaminant Levels and Ecological Effects. Book Series: Emerging Contaminants and Associated Treatment Technologies.; Springer, Cham.  pp. 414. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-66135-9_2 (IF= 0.5 Sipas rankimit SENSE: Springer kategoria B (

Liber në Springer

  • Pranvera Lazo, Flora Qarri, Shaniko Allajbeu, Sonila Kane, Lirim Bekteshi, Marina Frontasyeva, Trajce Stafilov (January 2021). "The Evaluation of Air Quality in Albania by Moss Biomonitoring and Metals"Atmospheric Deposition, Springer Briefs in Environmental Science.

Pjesëmarrje në konferenca:

  1. Shaniko Allajbeu, Lirim Bekteshi, Flora Qarri, Pranvera Lazo (July 2023) "The effects of soil dust in air quality of Albania studied by Moss biomonitoring".  The 13th International Conference of Ecosystem-ICE2023. The event was held on June 9-10, 2023 in USA, Chicago, Illinois. Abstract book, p. 40. ISBN 978-9928-4751-0-7 , Proceeding book  Published by online publisher, Fq. 87-95 ISBN: 978-9928-4751-1-4.,-2023,-Chicago,-Illinois,-USA-(online).html  
  2. Shaniko Alljabeu, Irena Shtogu, Elona Shahu, Pranvera Lazo (June 2023) "Assessment of drinking water quality in Tirana city, Albania". The 1st International Conference on Pioneer and Innovative Studies- ICPIS2023. The event was held on June 5-7, 2023 in Konya, Turkey. Proceeding book  Published by All Sciences Academy, Volume I; Fq. 197-202. ISBN: 978-625-99108-4-0.
  3. Flora Qarri , Shaniko Allajbeu , Lirim Bekteshi , Sonila Kane , Pranvera Lazo (2023) "TRACE METAL ATMOSPHERIC DEPOSITION IN ALBANIA AND THE IMPACT FROM WIND BLOWN DUST" The 36th ICP Vegetation Task Force Meeting was held as an online meeting, hosted by UNECE, on 13th -15th February 2023. pp.37.
  4. Shaniko Allajbeu, Flora Qarri, Lirim Bekteshi, Trajce Stafilov, Pranvera Lazo (2022) "Atmospheric Deposition Study of Some Trace Metals Using Moss Biomonitoring in the Territory of Albania". NUTRICON 2022, Food Quality and Safety, Health and Nutrition. The event was held in Ohrid, Macedonia,8-10 June 2022. 
  5. Shaniko Allajbeu , Flora Qarri , Lirim Bekteshi , Trajce Stafilov , Pranvera Lazo (2022) "Atmospheric Depsition Study of Anthropogenic Metals (Cr, Co, Fe, and Ni) by Moss Biomonitoring" The 35th ICP Vegetation Task Force Meeting of the UNECE ICP Vegetation for Europe Convention on Long - Range Transboundary Air Pollution.  The event was held as a virtual meeting 21-23 February 2022. pp.55.
  6. Pranvera Lazo, SHANIKO ALLAJBEU, Flora Qarri, , Lirim Bekteshi , Trajce Stafilov (2021)  "STUDY OF AIR QUALITY BY MOSS BIOMONITORING AND TRACE ELEMENTS CONTENT" The 34th ICP Vegetation Task Force Meeting of the UNECE ICP Vegetation for Europe Convention on Long - Range Transboundary Air Pollution. The event was held as a virtual meeting 22nd-24th February 2021. Abstract book  p. 34.
  7. SHANIKO ALLAJBEU , Lirim Bekteshi , Flora Qarri , Pranvera Lazo , Trajce Stafilov (2021) "Temporal trend of sea spray elements in two different periods survey 2010 and 2015 in Albania by moss samples growing in natural condition". The 34th ICP Vegetation Task Force Meeting of the UNECE ICP Vegetation for Europe Convention on Long - Range Transboundary Air Pollution.  The event was held as a virtual meeting 22nd-24th February 2021. Abstract book  p. 47.
  8. Pranvera Lazo, SHANIKO ALLAJBEU, Lirim Bekteshi, Flora Qarri, Sonila Kane, Marina Frontasyeva, Trajce Stafilov  (2020) " The effects of anthropogenic factors to sea spray elements studied bymoss biomonitoring in inland and coastal areas of Albania". The 33th Task Force Meeting of the UNECE ICP Vegetation for Europe Convention on Long - Range Transboundary Air Pollution. 27 - 30 January 2020 Riga, Latvia. Abstract book p. 36.
  9. Lirim Bekteshi, SHANIKO ALLAJBEU, Sonila Kane,  Flora Qarri, Trajce Stafilov, Pranvera Lazo (2019) " Assessment of Air Quality in Albania Based on Atmospheric Deposition of Trace Elements in Coastal and Inland Areas ". The 32th Task Force Meeting of the UNECE ICP Vegetation for Europe Convention on Long - Range Transboundary Air Pollution. 18 - 21 February 2019, Targoviste, Romania. Abstract book p. 70.
  10. Pranvera Lazo,  Shaniko Allajbeu, Flora Qarri, Sonila Kane, Trajce Stafilov, Marina V. Frontasyeva, Eiliv Steinnes, Harry Harmens (2018) "Combination of naturally growing bryophyte moss biomonitoring, instrumental analyses, statistical analysis and GIS technique for evaluating trace elements atmospheric deposition – 2010, 2015 moss biomonitoring in Albania". The 8th International Workshop on Biomonitoring of Atmospheric Pollution(BIOMAP 8).  Dubna, July 2–7, 2018. Abstracts book pp. 33. ISBN 978-5-9530-0495-4. ,
  11. Shaniko Allajbeu, Flora Qarri, Pranvera Lazo, Trajce Stafilov (2018) "Spatial Distribution And Temporal Trend Of As, Cd, Hg And Pb Atmospheric Depositon In Albanian Moss Samples" International Scientific Conference GREDIT’2018 – GREEN DEVELOPMENT, GREEN INFRASTUCTURE, GREEN TECHNOLOGY, Skopje, 22 – 25 March 2018. Abstract book pp. 129-130. ISBN 978-608-4624-27
  12. Shaniko Allajbeu, Lirim Bekteshi, Flora Qarri, Sonila Kane, Pranvera Lazo, Trajce Stafilov (2018) "Distribution of Trance Elements Infuence from Sea Coastal Line by Using Moss Biomonitoring" The 31th Task Force Meeting of the UNECE ICP Vegetation for Europe Convention on Long - Range Transboundary Air Pollution. 5 - 8 March 2018, Dessau-Roßlau, Germany. Abstract book p. 56.
  13. Shaniko Allajbeu, Flora Qarri, Sonila Kane, Pranvera Lazo, Marina V. Frontasyeva  (2017) "Cl, I And Br, And Trace Metal Assessment on Atmospheric Deposition of Albania Evaluated by ENAA Analysis" The 30th Task Force meeting of the UNECE ICP Vegetation for Europe Convention on Long - Range Transboundary Air Pollution. 14 – 17 February 2017 in Poznan, Poland. . Abstract book pp. 55
  14. Pranvera Lazo, Shaniko Allajbeu, Flora Qarri, Sonila Kane, Marina V. Frontasyeva, Trajce Stafilov (2017) "Mineral particles dust important sources of trace metal in atmospheric deposition in Albania". The 30th Task Force meeting of the UNECE ICP Vegetation for Europe Convention on Long - Range Transboundary Air Pollution. 14 – 17 February 2017 in Poznan, Poland. . Abstract book pp.34 
  15. Shaniko Allajbeu, Flora Qarri, Marina V. Frontasyeva, Pranvera Lazo (2016) "Distribution of halogens in atmospheric deposition of Albania by using moss biomonitoring and Neutron Activation Analysis". 18th Danube-Kris-Mures-Tisza (DKMT) Euroregion Conference  on  Environment and Health, 02 - 04 June, Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad, Serbia, Abstract book, p. 124. ISBN: 978-86-6253-059-2 , Proceeding book, p. 141-149 ISBN: 978-86-6253-060-8
  16. Shaniko Allajbeu, Pranvera Lazo, Marina V. Frontasyeva (2016) "Moss Biomonitoring and ENAA of multielement Atmospheric Deposition in Albania (2010/2014)". The 29th Task Force Meeting of the UNECE ICP Vegetation for Europe Convention on Long - Range Transboundary Air Pollution. 29 February - 4 March 2016, JINR, Dubna, Russia. Abstract  book pp. 37, ISBN: 978-5-9530-0433
  17. Shaniko Allajbeu, Nikita Yushin, Flora Qarri, Pranvera Lazo, Octavian G Duliu, Marina V. Frontasyeva (2015) "Spatial Distribution of  Mo, Zr, Hf, Ta, Light Lanthanides, Yb, U and Th in the Survey of Atmospheric Deposition of Heavy Metals in Albania by Using Moss Biomonitoring". XXIII International Seminar on Interaction of Neutrons with Nuclei (ISSIN-23), 25-29 May 2015, JINR, Dubna, Russia. Abstract book, p. 21, E3-2015-29, Proceeding book, p. 373-384, E3-2016-12. ISBN: 978-5-9530-0436-7.
  18. Shaniko Allajbeu, Pranvera Lazo, Flora Qarri (Dhjetor 2017) Biomonitorimi – një qasje e re për vlerësimin e integruar të shkallës së ndotjes në Shqipëri. "Biomonitoring a new approach to integrated assessment of the scale of pollution in Albania". The 1st Scientific Conference of ALBANIAN YOUNG ACADEMY “Methodology and Scientific Research, tradition and innovation”. 4 December 2017, Tirana, Albania. Abstract book pp. 67-69. (  Proceeding book (2018) ". Journal of the Young Researchers of Albania.Volume 1, pp. 233-243.
  19. Shaniko Allajbeu, Pranvera Lazo, Flora Qarri, Marina V. Frontasyeva (Nëntor 2017) "Biomonitorimi me anë të myshqeve dhe analiza ENAA e multielementeve në depozitimet atmosferike në Shqipëri". Konferenca e Shkencave të Natyrës dhe Teknologjisë (KSNTEK 2017) 17-18 Nëntor, Tiranë, Libri i Abstrakteve, pp. 158. ISBN 978-9928-4329-7-1
  20. Shaniko Allajbeu, Flora Qarri, Marina V. Frontasyeva, Pranvera Lazo (Nëntor 2015) "Studim i depozitimit ajror të klorit dhe influencat detare ndaj tij nëpërmjet metodës biomonitoruese me anë të  mysheve si bioindikator duke përdorur analizën instrumentale me aktivizim me neutrone epitermike" Koferenca Kombëtare e Shkencave të Aplikuara, 21 Nëntor, Tiranë, Libri i Abstrakteve, p. 75-76, ISBN: 978-9928-4217-9-1

Informacion shtesë

  • Janar  - Korrik 2015 mobilitetit ndërkombëtar nga projekti " ICP Vegetation Moss Survey " si kërkues shkencor pranë Joint Institute for Nuclear Research në Dubna, Rusi
  • Nga 7 Qershor 2017- në vazhdim anëtare e përhershme e grupit themelues të Akademisë së të Rinjve pranë Akademisë së Shkencave të Shqipërisë, Tiranë. (
  • Nga Janari i vitit 2020 anëtare e komisionit të përhershëm shkencor Fizikë-Kimi pranë Seksionit të shkencave natyrore e teknike të Akademisë së Shkencave të Shqipërisë  (Përfaqësuese e Akademisë së të Rinjve pranë AShSh)