Adelaida Andoni ka mbaruar studimet e larta pranë Departamentit Kimi, FSHN/UT 1994-1999. Në periudhën 1999-2001 ajo u punësua si asistente lektore pranë grupit mësimor-kërkimor Kimi Fizike dhe Koloidale. Në vitet 2001-2009, ajo ndoqi studimet e masterit dhe të doktoraturës në Universitetin Teknik të Eindhoven-it/Hollandë. Gjatë këtyre viteve ajo punoi në grupe të ndryshme kërkimore në fushën e Kimisë Teorike, Kimisë Fizike të Sipërfaqeve (Termodinamika, Kinetika, Kataliza) dhe fushën e polimerëve pranë Fakultetit të Kimisë në Eindhoven/Hollandë. Pas marrje së gradës shkencore Doktor i Shkencave në Kimi (Eindhoven/Hollandë) në vitin 2009, ajo u ri-punësua pranë Departamentit Kimi, FSHN/UT, grupi mësimor-kërkimor Kimi Fizike dhe Koloidale. Gjatë periudhës dhjetor 2017- prill 2019 ajo ka qenë Përgjegjëse e Departamentit të Kimisë, ndërsa prej prillit 2019 – në vazhdim Titullare e Grupit mësimor-kërkimor Kimi Fizike dhe Koloidale.
Gradat dhe Titujt
Kimist i Përgjithshëm, Fakulteti i Shkencave të Natyrës, Universiteti i Tiranës (1999)
Master i Shkencave, Universiteti Teknik i Eindhoven-it (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven), Hollandë (2005)
Doktor i Shkencave, Universiteti Teknik i Eindhoven-it (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven), Hollandë (2009)
Docent, Fakulteti i Shkencave të Natyrës, Universiteti i Tiranës (2012)
Profesor i Asociuar, Fakulteti i Shkencave të Natyrës, Universiteti i Tiranës (2013)
Profesor, Fakulteti i Shkencave të Natyrës, Universiteti i Tiranës (2016)
Tekste mësimore
A. Andoni, A. Çomo (2013). Koncepte të Kinetikës Kimike dhe Katalizës. Botimet “Eneas”, ISBN 978-9928-110-36-7
N. Dhamo, A. Andoni (2019) Protokoll i punëve të laboratorit në Kimi Koloidale
Xh. Hamiti, A. Andoni (2020) Protokoll i punëve të laboratorit në Kimi Fizike
A. Andoni, J.C. Chadwick, S. Milani, J.W. Niemantsverdriet, P.C. Thüne (2007) Introducing a new surface science model for Ziegler–Natta catalysts: Preparation, basic characterization and testing, Journal of Catalysis 247, 129-136.
A. Andoni, J.C. Chadwick, J.W. Niemantsverdriet, P.C. Thüne (2007) A Preparation Method for Well-Defined Crystallites of MgCl2-Supported Ziegler-Natta Catalysts and their Observation by AFM and SEM, Macromolecular Rapid Communications 28, 1466-1471.
A. Andoni, John C. Chadwick, Hans (J.W.) Niemantsverdriet, Peter C. Thüne (2007) A flat model approach to Ziegler-Natta catalysts for propylene polymerization and a preparation method of well-defined crystallites of MgCl2-supported catalysts, Macromolecular Symposia 260, 140-146.
A. Andoni, John C. Chadwick, Hans (J.W.) Niemantsverdriet, Peter C. Thüne (2008) The role of the electron donors on lateral surfaces of MgCl2-supported Ziegler-Natta catalysts; an observation by electron microscopy, Journal of Catalysis 257, 81-86.
A. Andoni, J.C. Chadwick, J.W. Niemantsverdriet, P.C. Thüne (2009) Investigation of planar Ziegler-Natta model catalysts using attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy, Catalysis Letters, 130, 278-285.
A. Andoni, J.J. Michels, E. Kokalari (Teli), K. Taraj, A. Çomo (2012) Determination of the distribution of acrylic comonomers in free radicals polymers Asian Journal of Chemistry 25(10), 475-479.
E. Kokalari, A. Lame, A. Andoni, A. Jano (2012) The extraction of biopolimers from the endosperms of some legumonisaea plants, in order to be used as corrosion inhibitor, International Journal of Ecosystems & Ecology Sciences 2 (3), 191-194.
K. Taraj, A. Delibashi, A. Andoni, P. Lazo, E. Kokalari (Teli), A. Lame, K. Xhaxhiu, A. Çomo (2013) Extraction of Chamomile Essential Oil by Subcritical CO2 and Its Analysis by UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 25(13) 7361-7364.
A. Andoni, R. A. van Santen (2013) Propenal Hydrogenation on Silver Surface-A theoretical approach, Chemical Engineering Transaction 34, 19-24.
A. Andoni, K. Xhaxhiu, K. Taraj, A. Çomo (2014) An Adsorption Method for Characterisation of Surface Area and Pore Size of Solid Surfaces, Asian Journal of Chemistry 26(20), 6833-6838.
A. Andoni (2014) High resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy for studying planar model catalyst: a test of NO on Rh(100), Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 59(3-4), 245-249.
L. Ciko, A. Andoni, F. Ylli, E. Plaku, K. Taraj, A. Çomo (2016) Extraction of Essential Oil from Albanian Salvia officinalis L. and its Characterization by FTIR Spectroscopy, Asian Journal of Chemistry 28, 1401-1402.
L. Ciko, A. Andoni, F. Ylli, E. Plaku, K. Taraj (2016) A Study on Oil Extraction from Albanian Chamomile and Characterization by IR Spectroscopy, J. Int. Environmental Application & Science 11(2) 154-158.
L. Ciko, A. Andoni, K. Taraj, F. Ylli, E. Plaku (2016) Extraction of Essential Oil from Albanian Salvia officinalis L. by Hydrodistillation Method and its Characterization by FTIR Spectroscopy, Buletini i Shkencave të Natyrës (BSHN) 21, 133-137.
A. Andoni, A. Korpa, K. Taraj, F. Ylli, K. Xhaxhiu, A. Çomo (2017) Catalytic testing of a solid base nanomaterial catalyst from fly ash, Journal of Natural and Technical Sciences (JNTS), Special Edition 43, 85-92.
K. Taraj, I. Malollari, A. Andoni, L. Ciko, P. Lazo, F. Ylli, A. Osmeni, A. Çomo (2017) Eco-extraction of Albanian chamomile essential oils by liquid CO2 at different temperatures and characterisation by FTIR spectroscopy, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 18(1), 117–124.
K. Taraj, I. Malollari, F. Ylli, R. Maliqati, A. Andoni, J. Llupa (2018) “Spectroscopic study on chemical composition of essential oil and crude extract from Albanian Pinus halepensis Mill. Journal of Agriculture Informatics 9(1) 41-46.
A. Andoni, E. Delilaj, F. Ylli, K. Taraj, A. Korpa, K. Xhaxhiu, A. Çomo (2018) FTIR spectroscopic investigation of alkali-activated fly ash: A test study Zaštita Materijala 59(4), 539-542.
K. Taraj, I. Malollari, L. Ciko, J. Llupa, A. Ylli, F. Ylli, A. Andoni (2019) Water Distillation Extraction of Essential Oil from Sideritis Raeseri Herb Environmental Processes 6, 1051-1058.
K. Taraj, L. Ciko, I. Malollari, A. Andoni, F. Ylli, A. Ylli, E. Plaku, J. Llupa, Xh. Borshi (2019) Eco-extraction of essential oil from Albanian Hypericum perforatum L. and characterisation by spectroscopy techniques, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 20(1), 188–195.
K. Xhaxhiu, A. Korpa, A. Andoni, C. Kvarnström, P. Damlin, K. Bente (2020) Thermoelectric Properties Tuning in Mixed Valence Inorganic Solid Compound - In5S5Br by Oriented Mutual Chalcogenide Substitutions, Materials Research Bulletin 133, 111029.
K. Taraj, A. Andoni, F. Ylli, A. Ylli, R. Hoxha, J. Llupa, I. Malollari (2020) Spectroscopic Investigation of Syzygium aromaticum L. Oil by Water Distillation Extraction, Journal of International Environmental Application & Science 15(2), 122-126
A. Korpa, V. Teneqja, S. Gjyli, A. Andoni (2021) Parameters Affecting the Synthesis of X and A Zeolites from Coal Fly Ash, European Journal of Environment and Earth Sciences 2, 53-59.
E. Behrami, K. Xhaxhiu, B. Dragusha, A. Reka, Z. Hajrulai-Musliu, A. Berisha, A. Andoni, Xh. Hamiti, S. Drushku (2021) Study of absorption and desorption of benalaxyl from natural and activated brari and dardha clay, International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science 11, 545-556
E. Behrami, K. Xhaxhiu, B. Dragusha, A. Berisha, Z. Hajrulai-Musliu, A. Reka, A. Andoni, Xh. Hamiti, S, Drushku (2021) Theoretical and practical comparative study on the use of clays for the treatment of wastewater contaminated with pesticides, International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science 11, 575-584
E. Behrami, K. Xhaxhiu, B. Dragusha, A. Reka, A. Andoni, Xh. Hamiti, S. Drushku (2021) Adsorption of benalaxyl and atrazine in fly ash the coal of power plant (Kosovo A) from aqueous solutions, International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science 11, 599-610
B. Seiti, A. Alinj, I. Mici, A, Andoni, F. Ylli, D. Topi (2021) Composition elucidation of the Hypericum perforatum L. with different extraction techniques and role of water extracts as corrosion inhibitors to 6063-aluminium alloy in HCl solution, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 30, 12579-12587
A. Korpa, N. Dhamo, A.Andoni, C. Pritzel, A coupled nanoindentation/X-ray diffraction assessment of volume fractions of phase-constituents in Ultra-High Performance Concrete containing nanoscale pozzolan, Advanced Cement Research, 2022, DOI: 10.1680/jadcr.21.00069
A. Korpa, S. Dervishi, J. Volavsek, S. Gjyli, A. Andoni, 29Si and 27Al MAS NMR assessment of the C-(A-) S–H nanomolecular structure of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete (UHPC) modified with pyrogenic oxides. Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 2022, 99 (1), 100443. DOI: 10.1016/j.jics.2022.100443
E. Behrami, K. Xhaxhiu, B. Dragusha, A. Reka, A. Andoni, Xh. Hamiti, S. Drushku, The Removal of Atrazine and Benalaxyl by the Fly Ash Released from Kosovo A Power Plant, International Journal of Analytical Chemistry 2022, 2022(2), DOI: 10.1155/2022/9945199
B. Seiti, A. Alinj, I. Mici, A, Andoni, F. Ylli, D. Topi (2021) Composition elucidation of the Hypericum perforatum L. with different extraction techniques and role of water extracts as corrosion inhibitors to 6063-aluminium alloy in HCl solution, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 30, 12579-12587
N. Isak, K. Xhaxhiu, E. Behrami, A. Andoni (2023) A comparative study of the adsorption and desorption process of selected natural Albanian clays toward methomyl and dimethoate pesticides, Journal of Environmental Management, 346, 118989, DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118989.
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