Prof.Dr. Efrosini Kokalari (Teli) është diplomuar në Universitetin e Tiranës, Fakulteti i Shkencave të Natyrës, në degën Kimi Industriale, në vitin 1985. Prej Mars 1985 deri ne shtator 1988 ka punuar si inxhiniere kimiste në frigoriferin e Gjirokastrës dhe prej shtatorit 1988 deri në 2000 ka qenë pedagoge në Universitetin “Eqrem çabej” të Gjirokastrës (1986-1988 ka qenë pedagoge me kohë të pjesëshme pranë këtij universiteti). Prof. Efrosini Kokalari ka punuar si menaxhere ekonomike në ndërmarjen e ndërtimit me sipërmarrje veprash shtetërore “X.I.Kalogritsas” në Athinë (Greqi) prej vitit 2000 deri në vitin 2008).
Ajo është pedagoge me kohë të plotë pranë Departamentit të Kimisë në Universitetin e Tiranës prej 6 Tetor 2008 dhe pedagoge me kohë të pjesëshme pranë Departamentit të lëndëve formuese të Universitetit të Mjeksisë, prej vitit 2008 e deri sot. Ka fituar gradën Doktor i Shkencave në “Kimi” (1996) në Universitetin e Tiranës. Është udhëheqëse e shumë diplomave, një doktorature, si dhe autore tekstesh për lëndën Kimi e Përgjithshme dhe Inorganike. Ka kryer disa specializime në Greqi, në kuadrin e projekteve TEMPUS dhe NATO. Prof. Efrosini Kokalari është pjesëmarrëse në mjaft aktivitete shkencore kombëtare e ndërkombëtare. Aktualisht është përgjegjëse e gruplëndës Kimi e Përgjithshme dhe Inorganike (2019).
Fushat kryesore të kërkimit shkencor janë:
Në lidhje me këto fusha studimi, Prof. Efrosini Kokalari ka marrë pjesë në mjaft konferenca shkencore brenda dhe jashtë vendit dhe ka botuar gjithashtu mjaft artikuj në revista shkencore.
Gradat dhe titujt akademikë
Diplomë në Kimi Industriale, Fakulteti i Shkencave të Natyrës, Universiteti i Tiranës (1985)
Doktor i Shkencave në Kimi, Fakulteti i Shkencave të Natyrës, Universiteti i Tiranës (1996)
Diploma është njehsuar si e barasvlefshme me diplomën në KIMI të Universitetit Shtetëror KAPODISTRIA të Athinës (2000)
Titulli akademik "Profesor i Asociuar", Universiteti i Tiranës (2012)
Titulli akademik "Profesor ", Universiti i Tiranës (2016)
Titullare në lëndët:
1. “Kimi e Përgjithshme dhe Inorganike”, në ciklin e parë dega Bioteknologji dhe Mjeksi
2. “Kimi” në ciklin e parë dega Fizikë.
3. “Kurrikula e Kimisë” në ciklin e dytë, Master Shkencor në Kimi, me profil mësues për AML.
4. “Teknika e laboratorit dhe eksperimentit kimik”, Master Shkencor në Kimi, me profil mësues për AML.
5. “Praktika profesionale në shkollë (aktive)”, Master Shkencor në Kimi, me profil mësues për AML.
Tekste mësimore:
“Udhëzues i punëve praktike të kimisë së përgjithshme”, M. Prifti, E. Andoni, E. Kokalari, A. Lame, B. Seiti, A. Llabani, K. Xhanari (për studentët e degëve kimike, Viti Ire) 2013; ISBN: 99927-0-174-9.
Prof.Dr. Efrosini Kokalari (Teli), Prof.Dr. Alketa Lame (Galo) “Ushtrime dhe problema; pyetje me përgjigje shumfishe për lëndën Kimi e përgjithshme dhe inorganike”. Vëllimi I, 2014; ISBN: 978-9928-199-39-3.
Prof.Dr. Alketa Lame (Galo), Prof.Dr. Efrosini Kokalari (Teli), “Ushtrime dhe problema; pyetje me përgjigje shumfishe për lëndën Kimi e përgjithshme dhe inorganike”. Vëllimi II, 2015; ISBN: 978-9928-199-39-3.
V. Stefanou, K. Prousis, G. Athasellis, D. Matiadis, E. Kokalari, O. Igglessi-Markopoulou, V. Mc Kee, J. Markopoulos “Synthesis, characterization and X-rays crystallographic investigation of (Zn II) β-diketo tetronic acid complexes” p. 59-62 Proceedings (2010), paper CD-ROM.
K. Prousis, G. Athasellis, V. Stefanou, D. Matiadis, E. Kokalari, O. Igglessi-Markopoulou, V. Mc Kee, J. Markopoulos “Synthesis and Crystal Structure characterization of (Zn II) tetronic acid complexes”. Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Bioinorganic Chemistry and Aplication (Vol. 2010), ISSN 1565-3336 Article ID 651652, 7 pages, (impact factor 1.661 for Year 2013).
Efrosini Kokalari, Hajri Haxhi, “Studimi i vetive termike dhe korrelacioni midis fuqisë kalorifike dhe hirit për qymyret e shtresës V, VI dhe VII të vendburimit të Memaliajt, AKTET, Revistë shkencore e Institutit ALB-Shkenca Vëll. IV, Nr.2, (2011), ISSN: 2073-2244, f.266-272.
K. Puto, E. Teli, E. Bardhoshi, N. Hila, “Data on the microbiological and physical-chemical qualities of well water in Trana for use by the population” Alblakes’11 ISNB: 978-99956-16-60-1 p. 188-193 (2011).
E. (Teli) Kokalari, A. Lame, B. Kurti, J. Salihila. “Ekstraktimi i galaktomaneve nga kafeja e papjekur, qiqrat dhe fasulet pllaqi me qëllim që të përdoren si inhibitorë të korrozionit”. (Proceedings) (2011), ISBN: 978-99956-10-41-8, f. 304-312.
A. Lame (Galo), E. (Teli) Kokalari, L. Roda. “Optimizimi i raportit mbrojtës: Tween 85/ Peg 6000 ndaj çelikut të përdorur për armatura, me metodën e polarizimit potenciodinamik”. (Proceedings) (2011), ISBN: 978-99956-10-41-8. f. 299-303.
E. (Teli) Kokalari, A. Lame, B. Kurti, J. Salihila. “The extraction of galactomannan from the endosperms of coffee bean (pretreated with (toluene), in order to be used as corrosion inhibiror”. Buletini i Shkencave Natyrore Special (viti 2011, ISSN: 224-1779, p. 256-263.
K. Puto, E. (Teli) Kokalari. “Urban liquid discharge in water microbial quality Adriatic and Ionian seas. Buletini i Shkencave Natyrore Special (viti 2011), ISSN: 224-1779 p. 40-48.
Efrosini Kokalari (Teli), Adelaida Andoni, Alketa Lame, Albana Jano. “Locust bean gum extracted from endosperms of carob tree, a kind of green inhibitors against the corrosion.” Proceedings ISBN: 978-9928-4011-9-9, (IC-2012), p. 600-606.
Alketa Lame, Albana Jano, Efrosini Teli. “Sulfuric acid corrosion protection efficiency of locust bean gum for different steels used as concrete armor.” Proceedings ISBN: 978-9928-4011-9-9, (IC-2012), p. 449-455.
E. Kokalari-Teli, H. Haxhi, “Përmbajtja e acideve humike dhe e bitumeneve si shkallë e metamorfozëz së qymyreve për shtresën V, VI dhe VII të vendburimit të Memaliajt” AKTET, Revistë shkencore e Institutit ALB-Shkenca Vëll.V, Nr.2, (2012), ISSN: 2073-2244, f. 173-178.
E. Teli-Kokalari, V. Stefanou, D. Matiadis, G. Athanasellis, O. Igglessi-Markopoulou, S. Hamilakis, J. Markopoulos. “Synthesis of six membered fused and five membered heterocycles, possesing the β,β-tricarbonylfuncionality: coordination mode against selected environmental ions”. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, ISSN: 1018-4619 Vol.21, No.11, (2012) (impact factor 0.641 for Year 2012) p. 3215-3223.
Efrosini Kokalari (Teli), Alketa Lame, Adelaida Andoni, Albana Jano. “The extraction of biopolimers from the endosperms of some legumonisaea plants, in order to be used as corrosion inhibitor”. ISSN: 2224-4980, International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES) Volume 2/3, September 2012, (impact factor 0.425 for Year 2012), p. 191-194.
Alketa Lame, Efrosini Kokalari (Teli), Albana Jano. “Comparison of corrosion protection efficiency of two kind of polysaccharides extracted by different leguminosae plant.” ISSN: 2224-4980, International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES) Volume 2/3, September 2012, (impact factor 0.425 for Year 2012), p. 195-200.
Albana Jano, Alketa Lame (Galo), Efrosini Kokalari (Teli). “Use of extracted green inhibitors as a friendly choise in corrosion protection of low alloy carbon steel.” Kem. Ind.61 (11-12) 497-503 (2012).
Klementina Puto, Efrosini Kokalari, Nexhije Hila & Hajdar Kicaj, “Impact of urban environment in the quality of water of the Erzeni river (Albania), Proceedings ISBN: 978-9928-4068-2-8, ICE-2012, (November 2012) p. 398-403.
Adelaida Andoni, Jasper J. Michels, Efrosini Kokalari (Teli), Krenaida Taraj, Armand Como. “Determination of the distribution of acrylic comonomers in free radicals polymers.” Asian Journal of Chemistry, Vol.25, No.1, (2013), ISSN: 0970-7077, (impact factor 0.270 for Year 2011) p. 475-479.
Alketa Lame, Efrosini Teli, Albana Jano. “Use of green inhibitors for concrete armor protection against H2SO4 corrosion.” Asian Journal of Chemistry, Vol.25, No.7, (2013), ISSN: 0975-7077, (impact factor 0.355 for Year 2013) p. 4017-4021.
Krenaida Taraj, Ariona Delibashi, Adelaida Andoni, Pranvera Lazo, Efrosini Kokalari (Teli), Alketa Lame, Kledi Xhaxhiu and Armand Çomo. “Extraction of chamomile essential oil by subcritical CO2 and its analysis by UV-VIS spectrophotometer.” Vol.25, No.13, (2013), ISSN: 0975-7077, (impact factor 0.355 for Year 2013) p. 7361-7364.
Efrosini Kokalari (Teli), Adelaida Andoni, Alketa Lame, Albana Jano “The extraction of amino acids from soybean in order to be used as corrosion inhibitor.” Proceedings (2013), ISBN: 978-9928-4068-7-3, p. 202-205.
Adelaida Andoni, Efrosini Kokalari (Teli), Alketa Lame. “Testing a general route for synthesis of 2-oxo-crown ethers for the polymerization of hydrophilic esters”. Proceedings (2013), ISBN: 978-9928-4068-7-3, p. 50-53.
Efrosini Kokalari (Teli), Alketa Lame, Xhensila Greca, Albana Jano. “Extraction of oleuropein from olive leaves, in order to use as inhibitor against the corrosion of metals”. Albanian J. Agric. Sci. (2014) (Special edition) p. 57-60.
Albana Jano, Aketa Lame (Galo), Efrosini Kokalari (Teli). “Lysine as a corrosion inhibitor for low alloy carbon steel in acidic media.” Ovidus University Annals of Chemistry Seria Chimie, Proceedings ISSN: 1223-7221, Volume 25, Number 1, p11-14 (2014).
Albana Jano, Aketa Lame (Galo), Efrosini Kokalari (Teli). The inhibition effects of methionine on mild steel in acidic media.” Ovidus University Annals of Chemistry Seria Chimie ISSN: 1223-7221, Volume 25, Number 1, p. 39-42. (2014).
Efrosini Kokalari (Teli), Alketa Lame, Xhensila Greca, Albana Jano, Yllka Bilushi. “Oleuropein extracted from olive leaves, an efficient inhibitor against the corrosion of metals and alloys.” International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES) ISSN: 2224-4980 Volume 4/3, August 2014, (impact factor 0.541 for Year 2013), p. 487-490.
Alketa Lame (Galo), Efrosini Kokalari (Teli), Albana Jano. “Migration corrosion inhibitor against premature failure of reinforced concrete caused by penetration of agresive environment.” International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES) ISSN: 2224-4980 Volume 4/3, August 2014, (impact factor 0.541 for Year 2013), p. 491-498.
E. Kokalari-Teli, V. Stefanou, D. Matiadis, D. Tsironis, O. Igglessi-Markopoulou, J. Markopoulos. “Synthesis and evaluation of supramolecular molecules containing metal complexing agents for environmental control.” 4° Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Πράσινης Χημείας & βιώσιμης Ανάπτυξης, 30 Οκτωβρίου-1Νοεμβρίου 2014, Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων. (Kongresi i 4-t Mbarëkombëtar Grek në Kiminë e Gjelbër, 30 Tetor-1 Nëntor 2014, Universiteti i Janinës). Proceedings p. 271-272.
Çaçi A., Lame A., Kokalari E., Zotaj J. “Oleuropine as an environmentally friendly inhibitor to corrosion of iron b 500 in acid media” The 3nd International Conference on Research and Education – “Challenges Toward the Future” ICRAE 2015 Conference Proceedings, ISSN: 2308-0825. October 23-24, 2015, University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi”, Shkodra, Albania.
Zotaj, A. Çaçi, K. Tare, J. Kokalari, A. Lame, E. Kokalari. “Quercetin extracted from onion skin is an efficient green inhibitor against the corrosion of metals.” Albanianj. Agric. Sci. (April 2017), (special edition) ISSN: 2218-2020
J. Zotaj, A. Çaçi, F. Ylli, K. Tare, S. Cenolli, J. Kokalari, A. Lame, E. Kokalari. “Piperine extracted from black pepper another propriate green inhibitor against the corrosion of metals.” International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES) ISSN: 2224-4980. Volume 7/4, October 2017, (impact factor 1.811 for Year 2017). p. 825-830.
A. Çaçi, A. Lame, E. Kokalari, J. Zotaj, S. Cenolli, “Use of natyral plants as green corrosion inhibitors” International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES) ISSN: 2224-4980. Volume 7/4, October 2017, (impact factor 1.811 for Year 2017). p. 677-682.
Zotaj J., Kokalari E., Çaçi A., Lame A., Cenolli S., (2018) “Extract of outer onion skin, another green corrosion inhibitor for Aluminium”. International Journal of Advance Engineering and Management Research.Vol.3, Issue 3, pp.10-20. ISSN 2456 – 3676
Çaçi A., Zotaj J., Lame A., Kokalari E., Cenolli S., (2018), “Behavior of black pepper extract as a green corrosion inhibitor in acidic media”, International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management Research, Vol. 3 Issue 2, pp. 185-194, ISSN: 2456-3676.
Zotaj J., Çaçi A., Cenolli S., Ylli F., Lame A., Kokalari E., (2018) “Ekstrakti i gjetheve të Eukaliptit, një tjetër inhibitor i gjelbër për mbrojtjen e Aluminit (Al) nga korrozioni”. Buletini i Fakultetit të Shkencave të Natyrës. Botimi Nr. 26, fq.172-183.
Jano A., Hoxha V., Lame A., Kokalari E, “Using inhibitors for preventions of corrosion “cancer” of reinforced concrete constructions”. 6th World Congess on Mechanical, Chemical and Material Engineering MCM’20, August 16-18, 2020. VIRTUALLY. ICCPE 121. Proceedings of the 6 th World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM'20) Prague, Czech Republic Virtual Conference – August 2020 Paper No. ICCPE 121 DOI: 10.11159/iccpe20.121.
Albana Jano, Alketa Lame, Efrosini Kokalari and Valbona Hoxha, “Comparison of Corrosion Protection Efficiency of Two Kinds of Amino Acids”. 7th World Congess on Mechanical, Chemical and Material Engineering MCM’20, August 2021. VIRTUALLY. ICCPE 109. Proceedings of the 7 th World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM'21) Prague, Czech Republic Virtual Conference – August 2021 Paper No. ICCPE 109 DOI: 10.11159/iccpe21.109.
Albana JANO, Alketa LAME, and Efrosini KOKALARI, “Test of inhibitors for preventing corrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete”. Sciendo, Ovidius University Annals of Chemistry, Volume 32, Number 2, pp. 110 - 113, 2021, DOI: 10.2478/auoc-2021-0016.
Albana Jano, Valbona Hoxha, Alketa Lame and Efrosini Kokalari. “Effects of Migrating Inhibitors on Corrosion of Reinforcing Steel in Aggressive Environment”, 7th World Congess on Mechanical, Chemical and Material Engineering MCM’20, August 2021. VIRTUALLY. ICCPE 110. Proceedings of the 7 th World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM'21) Prague, Czech Republic Virtual Conference – August 2021 Paper No. ICCPE 109 DOI: 10.11159/iccpe21.110.
Albana JANO, Alketa LAME, Efrosini KOKALARI and Elidona BICAKU “Study of corrosion inhibition of aluminum in acidic media by pineapple crown extract”, Sciendo, Ovidius University Annals of Chemistry, 2022, Volume 33, Number 2, pp. 104 – 107, DOI: 10.2478/auoc-2022-0015.
Albana JANO, Alketa LAME, Efrosini KOKALARI, “The Inhibition Efficiency of Pineapple Crown Extract for Iron B500 in H2SO4 and HCl Media” Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM'22), Prague, Czech Republic – July 31, 2022 - August 02, 2022, Paper No. ICCPE 113, DOI: 10.11159/iccpe22.113, ICCPE 113-1.
Albana JANO, Alketa LAME, Efrosini KOKALARI, “Pineapple Crown Extract as Green Inhibitor for Steel 39 in Acidic Media” Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM'22), Prague, Czech Republic – July 31, 2022 - August 02, 2022, Paper No. ICCPE 114, DOI: 10.11159/iccpe22.114, ICCPE 114.
Pjesëmarrje në Konferenca dhe Symposiume kombëtare dhe ndërkombëtare:
Konferenca Kombëtare e Kimisë: Kimia dhe zhvillimi aktual i vendit. Tiranë, (20 Tetor 2011). E. (Teli) Kokalari, A. Lame, B. Kurti, J. Salihila. “Ekstraktimi i galaktomaneve nga kafeja e papjekur, qiqrat dhe fasulet pllaqi me qëllim që të përdoren si inhibitorë të korrozionit”. Libri i abstrakteve f. 46. (Proceedings) ISBN: 978-99956-10-41-8, f. 304-312.
Konferenca Kombëtare e Kimisë: Kimia dhe zhvillimi aktual i vendit. Tiranë, (20 Tetor 2011). A. Lame (Galo), E. (Teli) Kokalari, L. Roda. “Optimizimi i raportit mbrojtës: Tween 85/ Peg 6000 ndaj çelikut të përdorur për armatura, me metodën e polarizimit potenciodinamik”. Libri i abstrakteve f. 45. (Proceedings) ISBN 978-99956-10-41-8, f. 299-303.
14th Hellenic Symposium on Medical Chemistry 23-25 April 2010 Thesaloniki, Valentina Stefanou, Ehsani Maryam, Olga Igglessi-Markopoulou, E.Kokalari-Teli, John Markopoulos, “Design, synthesis and X-rays structure elucidation of ligands based on coumarins” Abstract book p. 168.
EUROBIC 10 June 22-26, 2010, Thesaloniki, Geece, V. Stefanou, K. Prousis, G. Athasellis, D. Matiadis, E. Kokalari, O. Igglessi-Markopoulou, V. Mc Kee, J. Markopoulos “ Synthesis, characterization and X-rays crystallographic investigation of (Zn II) β-diketo tetronic acid complexes” p. 59-62 Proceedings, paper CD-ROM.
Takimi i V-të vjetor ndërkombëtar i Institutit Alb-Shkenca IASH Tiranë , 02-05 Shtator, 2010, Efrosini Kokalari, Hajri Haxhi, “Studimi i vetive termike dhe korrelacioni midis fuqisë kalorifike dhe hirit për qymyret e shtresës V, VI dhe VII të vendburimit të Memaliajt, Book of abstract ISBN: 978-9928-4001-7-8 f. 482, (Proceedings book), ISSN: 2073-2244 f. 266-272.
IV International Symposium of ecologists of the republic of Montenegro, (ISEM 4) Budva, 06-10.10.2010, E. Teli-Kokalari, C. Karaiskos, V. Stefanou, D. Matiadis, O. Igglessi-Markopoulou, J. Markopoulos, “Catalytic homogeneous hydrogenation of 5-arylidine-pyrrolidine-2,4-diones” Book of abstract ISBN: 978-86-908743-3-0, p. 103.
International Conference on Carstic Water Bodies Elbasan, Albania 9-11 June 2011, K. Puto, E. Teli, E. Bardhoshi, N. Hila, “Data on the microbiological and physical-chemical qualities of well ëater in tirana for use by the population” Book of abstract ISBN: 978-99956-16-49-6, p. 105. (Proceedings book), ISBN: 978-99956-16-60-1 p. 188-193.
Takimi i VI vjetor ndërkombëtar i Institutit Alb-Shkenca IASH Prishtinë, 1-4 Shtator 2011, book of abstract, f. 554, “Studiuesit Shqiptarë faktor i rëndësishëm i integrimit në rrjedhat evropiane”, E. Kokalari-Teli, H. Haxhi, “Përmbajtja e acideve humike dhe e bitumeneve si shkallë e metamorfozës së qymyreve për shtresën V, VI dhe VII të vendburimit të Memaliajt” ISBN: 978-9951-518-10-9, (Proceedings book), ISSN: 2073-2244 Vëll. V, Nr.2 2012, f. 173-178.
Takimi i VI vjetor ndërkombëtar i Institutit Alb-Shkenca IASH Prishtinë, 1-4 Shtator 2011, book of abstract, f. 578, “Studiuesit Shqiptarë faktor i rëndësishem i integrimit në rrjedhat evropiane”, A. Lame, E. Kokalari-Teli, L. Roda, “Studimi i efektit mbrojtës të inhibitorëve tween 85 dhe peg 6000, ndaj korrozionit në mjedis acid për çelikun 39 dhe 44” ISBN: 978-9951-518-10-9.
5th EuCheMS conference on nitrogen ligands in cordination chemistry, metal-organic chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, materials & catalysis Granada, Spain September 4-8, 2011, J. Markopoulos, D. Matiadis, G. Athanasellis, V. Stefanou, E. Kokalari, V. Mc. Kee, O. Igglessi-Markopoulou, “Synthesis, X-rays crystallographic investigation and coordination chemistry of 3-carboxamide quinolinone ligands”. Book of abstract f. 182 CD-ROM paper.
16th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its impact on life in Mediterenian Region in Ioannina, Greece, 24th-27th of September 2011. E. Teli-Kokalari, V. Stefanou, D. Matiadis, G. Athanasellis, O. Igglessi-Markopoulou and J. Markopoulos “Synthesis of some N-, O-ligands and their coordination behaviour against selected environmental ions” (Flash disck).
16th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its impact on life in Mediterenian Region in Ioannina, Greece, 24th-27th of September 2011. A. Lame, E. Kokalari, L. Roda “Use of green inhibitors for corrosion protection as a frendly choise in environmental protection” (Flash disck).
International Conference Biotechnological Developments Tirana, 20-21 November 2011. “E. (Teli) Kokalari, A. Lame, B. Kurti, J. Salihila. “The extraction of galactomannan from the endosperms of coffee bean (pretreated ëith (toluene), in order to be used as corrosion inhibiror”, Abstract book p. 35. (Buletini i Shkencave Natyrore, Special viti 2011, ISSN: 224-1779, p. 256-263).
International Conference Biotechnological Developments Tirana, 20-21 November 2011. K. Puto, E. (Teli) Kokalari. “Urban liquid discharge in water microbial quality Adriatic and Ionian seas”. Abstract book p. 16. (Buletini i Shkencave Natyrore, Special viti 2011, ISSN: 224-1779, p. 40-48).
IX. Sucret mladih kemijskih inzenjera NOVE TEHNOLOGIJE & TRANSFER ZNANJA (, Zagreb, 16.i17..02.2012. Alketa Lame (Galo), Albana Jano, Efrosini Kokalari (Teli), “Use of extracted green inhibitores as a friendly choise in corrosion protection of low alloy carbon steel”. Book of Abstracts p. 40.
Eurasia 12th Conference on Chemical Sciences, April 16-21, 2012, Corfu, GREECE (htpp://eurasia J.Markopoulos, V.Stefanou, D.Matiadis, M.Fousseki, E.Kokalari, O.Markopoulou, V.Mc Kee, G.Melagraki, A.Afantidis. “Synthesis, X-Ray Structure Ivestigation and DFT Calculation of Zn(II) β-diketo-Coumarin Complexes.” S2-PPS.
International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE), Tirana, Albania, June 1-6, 2012. Efrosini Kokalari(Teli), Alketa Lame, Adelaida Andoni, Albana Jano. “The extraction of biopolimers from the endosperms of some legumonisaea plants, in order to be used as corrosion inhibitor”. Abstract book, ISBN: 978-9928-4068-5-9, p. 69. (Proceedings ISBN 978-9928-4068-2-8, ICE-2012, November 2012 p. 385.
International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE), Tirana, Albania, June 1-6, 2012. Alketa Lame, Efrosini Kokalari (Teli), Albana Jano. “Comparison of corrosion protection efficiency of two kind of polysaccharides extracted by different leguminosaea plants”. Abstract book, ISBN: 978-9928-4068-5-9, p. 87. (Proceedings) ISBN: 978-9928-4068-2-8, ICE-2012, November 2012, p. 501.
Klementina Puto, Efrosini Kokalari, Nexhije Hila & Hajdar Kicaj, “Impact of urban environment in the quality of water of the Erzeni river (Albania), Abstract book, ISBN: 978-9928-4068-5-9, p. 71. (Proceedings) ISBN: 978-9928-4068-2-8, ICE-2012, November 2012 p. 398.
Adelaida Andoni, Alketa Lame, Albana Jano. “Locust bean gum extracted from endosperms of carob tree, a kind of green inhibitors against the corrosion.” Abstract book, ISBN: 978-9928-4135-0-5, p.188, Proceedings ISBN: 978-9928-4011-9-9, IC-2012, p. 600.
International Conference, Shkodër, Albania, 16-17 November 2012. Alketa Lame, Albana Jano, Efrosini Teli. “Sulfuric acid corrosion protection efficiency of locust bean gum for different steels used as concrete armor.” Abstract book, ISBN: 978-9928-4135-0-5, p. 57, Proceedings ISBN: 978-9928-4011-9-9, IC-2012, p. 449.
Konferenca Shkencore e Fakultetit të shkencave të Natyrës me rastin e 100 vjetorit të pavarësisë 22-23 Nëntor 2012, Tiranë. Alketa lame, Albana Jano, Efrosini Teli. “Veprimi mbrojtës i disa ekstrakteve bimore ndaj korrozionit në mjedis acid sulfurik të çelikut për rrjeta armuese betoni.” Libër i abstrakteve, faqe 64.
3rd International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE), Tirana, Albania, May 31-June 5, 2013. Efrosini Kokalari (Teli), Adelaida Andoni, Alketa Lame, Albana Jano “The extraction of amino acids from soybean in order to be used as corrosion inhibitor.” Abstract book, ISBN: ISBN: 978-9928-4068-6-6, p. 52, Proceedings ISBN: 978-9928-4068-7-3, p. 202.
3rd International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE), Tirana, Albania, May 31-June 5, 2013. Adelaida Andoni, Efrosini Kokalari (Teli), Alketa Lame. “Testing a general route for synthesis of 2-oxo-crown ethers for the polymerization of hydrophilic esters”. Abstract book, ISBN: 978-9928-4068-6-6, p29, Proceedings ISBN: 978-9928-4068-7-3, p. 50.
18th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. September 4-7, 2013, Sinaia Romania. Albana Jano, Aketa Lame (Galo), Efrosini Kokalari (Teli). “Lysine as a corrosion inhibitor for low alloy carbon steel in acidic media.” Papers and abstracts S3-32.
First International Conference on “Biotecjnology in Agriculture”, at Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania, 22-23 April 2014. Efrosini Kokalari (Teli), Alketa Lame, Xhensila Greca, Albana Jano. “Extraction of oleuropein from olive leaves, in order to use as inhibitor against the corrosion of metals”. Abstract book ISBN: 978-9928-4217-0-8, p. 109. Proceedings Albanian j. agric. sci. ISSN: 2218-2020, p. 57.
International Conference Chimia 2014 “New trends in applied chemistry”, May 23-24, 2014, Constanta, Romania. Albana Jano, Aketa Lame (Galo), Efrosini Kokalari (Teli). The inhibition effects of methionine on mild steel in acidic media.” Abstract book, p. 58.
4rd International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE), Tirana, Albania, May 23-26, 2014. Efrosini Kokalari (Teli), Alketa Lame, Xhensila Greca, Albana Jano. “Oleuropein extracted from olive leaves, an efficient inhibitor against the corrosion of metals and alloys.” Abstract book, ISBN: ISBN: 978-9928-4068-9-7, p. 73, Proceedings ISBN: 978-9928-4068-8-0, p. 415.
4rd International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE), Tirana, Albania, May 23-26, 2014. Alketa Lame (Galo), Efrosini Kokalari (Teli), Albana Jano. “Migration corrosion inhibitor against premature failure of reinforced concrete caused by penetration of agresive environment.” Abstract book, ISBN: ISBN: 978-9928-4068-9-7, p. 87, Proceedings ISBN: 978-9928-4068-8-0, p. 486.
Takimi IX Vjetor Shkencor Ndërkombëtar Prishtinë, 29-31 Gusht 2014, (Shkenca faktor i rëndësishëm i zhvillimit të qëndrueshëm shoqëroro-ekonomik), Prishtinë, 2014. Alketa Lame (Galo), Albana Jano, Efrosini Kokalari (Teli). “Efektiviteti mbrojtës i Guar Gum dhe Locust Bean Gum ndaj korrozionit të armaturave të betonit në mjedis agresiv acid sulfurik, duke përdorur metodën e humbjes në peshë.” Libër i përmbledhjeve ISBN: 978-9951-518-11-6, faqe 296.
2nd International Conference on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB), Tirana September 22, 2014. Efrosini Kokalari (Teli), Alketa Lame, Albana Jano, Xhensila Greca. “Oleuropein extracted from olive leaves represents interes among green corrosion inhibitors”. Abstract book ISBN: 978-99943-0-367-0, p. 113.
4° Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Πράσινης Χημείας & βιώσιμης Ανάπτυξης, 30 Οκτωβρίου-1Νοεμβρίου 2014, Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων. (Kongresi i 4-t Mbarëkombëtar Grek në Kiminë e Gjelbër, 30 Tetor-1 Nëntor 2014, Universiteti i Janinës). E.Kokalari-Teli, V. Stefanou, D. Matiadis, D. Tsironis, O. Igglessi-Markopoulou, J. Markopoulos. “Synthesis and evaluation of supramolecular molecules containing metal complexing agents for environmental control.” Abstract book p. 138.
EUROCORR 2015, EARTH, WATER, FIRE, AIR, CORROSION HAPPENS EVERYWHERE! EUROPEAN CORROSION CONGRESS 6-10 september 2015 Graz/Austria, “Study of corrosion protection of steel rebars in concrete by sacrifical anodes of Zn-Al-In alloys and by green inhibitor locust bean gum”, Z. Gaçe, A. Lame, E. Kokalari, A. Jano, A. Sadiku.
The 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON “RESEARCH AND EDUCATION-CHALLENGES TOWARDS THE FUTURE” ICRAE 2015, Shkodra 23-24 October 2015. A. Ҫaçi, A. Lame. E. Kokalari, J. Zotaj, “Oleuropina as an environment friendly Inhibitor to corrosion of iron b 500 in acid media” Abstract Conference Proceedings ISSN: 2308-0825.
The 2nd International Conference “Biotechnology in Agriculture.” hold on Agricultural University of Tirana, Albanian Journal of Agricultural Science. Zotaj J., Çaçi A., Tare K., Kokalari J., Lame A., Kokalari E.,(2017) “Quercetin extracted from onion skin is an efficient green inhibitor against the corrosion of metals”. (AJAS) ISNN: 2218-2020, Volume 16(4) pp 459-462.
The 6-th ICTEA Conference on New Advanced Methodologies and Techniques in Scientific Research, Ioannina, Greece, ICTEA 2017, Çaçi A., Lame A., Kokalari E., Zotaj J., Cenolli S., “Quercetin as green corrosion inhibitor of iron B500”, Abstract book p. 90-94, ISBN: 978-9928-4374-7-1, Proceedings book p. 46-52, ISSN 2304-5442.
The 6th Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry of South-East Europe, Balatonkense, Hungary, RSE-SEE 11-15 June 2017, Çaçi A., Lame A., Kokalari E., Zotaj J., Cenolli S. “Piperine for corrosion protection of iron B500 in acidic media”, Abstract book p. 97, ISBN 978-615-5270-33.
53rd Croatian &13th International Symposium on Agriculture. Vodice, Croatia, (2018), Zotaj J., Çaçi A., Kokalari J., Lame A., Kokalari E.,Cenolli S., “Quercetin as green corrosion inhibitor of aluminium” Abstract book p.50, ISSN 2459-555, ISSN 2459-5543.
3rd International Conference on Applied Biotechnology (3rd ICAB) (2018), Zotaj J., Çaçi A., Cenolli S., Ylli F., Lame A., Kokalari E., “Extarct of eucalyptus leaves, another green inhibitor for protection of Cooper (Cu) from corrosion”. In Tirana at the Academy of Science of Albania. Proceedings book p.p. 94-100. ISBN 978-9928-237-36-1.
3rd International Conference on Applied Biotechnology (3rd ICAB) (2018), Lame A., Kokalari E., Çaçi A., Zotaj J. “Protection of Fe B500 from corrosion in acidic media using as green inhibitor the extract of pine needles”.. In Tirana at the Academy of Science of Albania. Proceedings book p.p. 9-17. ISBN 978-9928-237-36-1.
17th International Conference on chemistry and the Environment, 16-20 June 2019 Thessaloniki, Greece.Kokalari E., Lame A. “Testing of the efficiency of Margarita Flower leaf extract, against the corrosion of Fe B500 in the H2SO4 in the presence of ions Cl-“. (ID 400)
17th International Conference on chemistry and the Environment, 16-20 June 2019 Thessaloniki, Greece.Lame A., Kokalari E. “Protection efficiency of Eucalyptus leaf extract against acidic corrosion of Fe B500.” (ID 401)
6th World Congess on Mechanical, Chemical and Material Engineering MCM’20, August 16-18, 2020, VIRTUALLY. Jano A., Hoxha V., Lame A., Kokalari E, “Using inhibitors for preventions of corrosion “cancer” of reinforced concrete constructions”. ICCPE 121.
7th World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM'21) August 2021 VIRTUALLY, Albana Jano, Alketa Lame, Efrosini Kokalari and Valbona Hoxha “Comparison of Corrosion Protection Efficiency of Two Kinds of Amino Acids”. ICCPE 109.
8th World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM'22), Prague, Czech Republic – July 31, 2022 - August 02, 2022. Albana Jano, Alketa Lame, Efrosini Kokalari, “The Inhibition Efficiency of Pineapple Crown Extract for Iron B500 in H2SO4 and Hcl Media”. ICCPE22.113.
8th World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM'22), Prague, Czech Republic – July 31, 2022 - August 02, 2022, Albana JANO, Alketa LAME, Efrosini KOKALARI, “Pineapple Crown Extract As Green Inhibitor for Steel 39 in Acidic Media”, ICCPE 114.
Fusha e kërkimit
Studime Post Doktorature në kuadrin e Projektit NATO (Nëntor 1991 - Mars 2000 dhe Shkurt - Maj 2001) pranë Universitetit Politeknik të Athinës, Greqi.
Studime Post Doktorature në kuadrin e Projektit TEMPUS 1996 (5 javë), pranë Universitetit të Janinës, Greqi
Pjesë e grupit të punës kërkimore të Departamentit të Kimisë Organike në Universitetin Politeknik të Athinës (2001 - sot).
Redaktore shkencore e disa teksteve mësimore të Kimisë, të arsimit parauniversitar.
Anëtare e Komisionit të Përhershëm për dhënien e gradës shkencore “DOKTOR”, pranë FSHN, të UT (Tetor 2021 deri sot)