Dr. Arbër Qoshja

In 2011, Arber Qoshja earned his degree in Applied Mathematics from the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Tirana. His studies for the doctorate in "Probability, Statistical, and Numerical Analysis" began in 2013, when he enrolled in the third cycle of the curriculum. A full-time lecturer at the University of "Aleksandr Moisiu" Durres, he got the job in 2011. He worked as a guest lecturer during this time in the faculties of natural sciences at the University of Tirana and the University of Polytechnic, as well as the faculties of mathematical engineering and physical engineering. He was recruited as a full-time professor at the Faculty of Natural Sciences in 2015, where he is now developing the courses Probability and Applied Statistics, Introduction to Probability, Financial Mathematics, MATLAB, and Introduction to Case Processes and Forecasting Methods in R. The topic of his dissertation for the degree of "Doctor of Science" in probability and statistics was "Some Methods and Comparisons in the Process of Evaluating Parameters of Some Statistical Distributions." Applied statistics and probability are his key areas of study.

Academic Degrees and Titles

First degree in Engineering Mathematics and Informatics. Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tirana (2009). Second level diploma or Master of Science in Engineering Mathematics and Informatics. Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tirana (2011). Doctor of Science, University of Tirana (2018).

Subjects: Graph theory, Algebra & Geometry, Mathematical Analysis I, II, III, IV, Introduction to Probability, Probability and Statistics, Methods of Prediction in R, Introduction to Case Processes, MATLAB. Maths Financial

Artikuj shkencorë:

  • A. Qoshja, M. Muça (2018). A new modified generalized odd log-logistic distribution with three parameters. Mathematical Theory and Modeling ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online) Vol.8, No.1
  • A. Qoshja, Ll. Puka. (2017) Some results on the Lomax distribution with three parameters. Mathematical Theory and Modeling ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online) Vol.7, No.11
  • A. Qoshja, F. Hoxha (2016) Different methods of estimation for generalized inverse Lindley distribution. Mathematical Theory and Modeling ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online). Vol.6. No.5
  • A. Qoshja (2015) Some estimation methods for a new Weighted Lindley Distribution. Fakulteti Shkencave Natyrore. Buletini Special

Artikuj konference:

  • A. Qoshja, M. Muça (2017). Shpërndarja e përgjithësuar e raportit log-logjistik eksponencial. KSNTEK. ISBN 978-9928-4329-7-1
  • A. Qoshja (2016). Some applications of New Pareto distribution. International Conference Proceedings ISTI. ISBN 978-9928-148-56-8, 4
  • A. Qoshja (2015) Some estimation methods for a new weighted Lindley Distribution. SPNA
  • Arbër Qoshja, Frederik Dara, Ombreta Guza. Different methods of estimation for modified Rayleigh distribution. FIFTEENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON: “SOCIAL AND NATURAL SCIENCES – GLOBAL CHALLENGE 2021”(ICSNS XV-2021) Brussels, 16 June 2021
  • A. Qoshja. “Estimating the parameters of the extended Rayleigh distribution”. 10TH INTERNATIONAL EURASIAN CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES AND APPLICATIONS. 25-27 August 2021. ECMSA-2021
  • A. Qoshja, A. Stringa. “Different methods of estimation for modified Lindley distribution”. 10TH INTERNATIONAL EURASIAN CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES AND APPLICATIONS. 25-27 August 2021. ECMSA-2021
  • Arbër Qoshja, Artur Stringa. A new extension of the exponential distribution Sixteenth International Conference on: “Social and Natural Sciences – Global Challenge 2021” ICSNS XVI - 202122 September, 2021 Vienna.
  • Arbër Qoshja, Artur Stringa and Frederik Dara. “Estimation of parameters of extended Weibull distribution”. Applied Statistics 2021, 20–22 September 2021, Slovenia. 
  • Arbër Qoshja, Artur Stringa, Frederik Dara. “AN EXTENTED EXPONENTIAL DISTRIBUTION: DIFFERENT METHODS OF ESTIMATION”. 8th International Congress on Fundamental and Applied Sciences 2021. ICFAS 2021.

Fushat e interesit:

  • Probabilitet dhe Statistikë e Zbatuar, Simulimet Monte Karlo. Programim në MATLAB dhe R, Metodat e  Parashikimi, Procese Rasti.