Dr. Loreta Vallja është diplomuar si Kimist i Përgjithshëm në Universitetin e Tiranës, në vitin 2005. Prej vitit 2007 është pjesë e stafit akademik në grup-lëndën Kimi Analitike pranë Departamentit të Kimisë, Fakulteti i Shkencave të Natyrës, Universiteti i Tiranës. Ka mbrojtur tezën e doktoraturës në vitin 2014 pranë Fakultetit të Shkencave të Natyrës. Ajo është titullare në lëndët Kimi Analitike I, Kimi Analitike II, Kimi Analitike Klinike si dhe jep mësim në lëndën Metodat Instrumentale të Analizës. Që prej pothuajse 14 vitesh kërkimi i saj shkencor është fokusuar në studime që lidhen me Analizën Kimike bazuar ne përdorimit e metodës GC-MS dhe teknikave të tjera instrumentale. Është autore dhe bashkëautore e disa artikujve shkencorë të botuar në revista të njohura ndërkombëtare dhe kombëtare, si dhe pjesëmarrëse në konferenca shkencore. Është trajnuar pranë Universitetit të Zyrihut, Zvicër, në fushën e përdorimit të teknikës GC-MS për analizat kimike të ndotësve organikë në ujëra, ushqime, mjedis etj, si dhe pranë qendrës RECETOX (Research Centre for Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology), në Universitetin “Masaryk”, Çeki, për monitorimin e POP-ve.
Kimi Analitike Klinike në programin e studimeve Master i Shkencave në Kimi.
Kimi Analitike I në programin e studimeve Bachelor, Kimi dhe Teknologji Ushqimore (leksione, seminare, laboratore).
Kimi Analitike II në programin e studimeve Bachelor, Kimi dhe Teknologji Ushqimore (leksione, seminare, laboratore).
Metoda Instrumentale të Analizës në programin e studimeve Bachelor Kimi dhe Bachelor në Kimi dhe Teknologji Ushqimore (laboratore).
1. Loreta Vallja, Nevila Broli, Alma Shehu, Sonila Duka and Majlinda Vasjari (2021); “Seasonal Assessment of Physico-Chemical Parameters and Water Quality Evaluation of Kune-Vaini Lagoon Complex, Lezha, Albania”. Asian Journal of Chemistry; ISSN:0970-7077. Vol. 33, No. 4 (2021), pp.925-929; https://doi.org/10.14233/ajchem.2021.23104
(Science Citation Index, e indeksuar në SCOPUS). https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/22703?origin=resultslist
2. Sonila Duka*, Loreta Vallja, Majlinda Vasjari, Alma Shehu, Nevila Broli (2021):”Seasonal Variation Of Lamparelli Trophic State Index (TSI) In Kune -Vaini Lagoon System”. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, ISSN: 1018-4619, Volume 30– No. 07/2021 pp. 8690-8695.
(Science Citation Index, e indeksuar në SCOPUS, IF=0.553)
3. Broli N, Vallja L, Shehu A, Vasjari M.(2018). “Determination Of Catechol In Extract Of Tea Using Carbon Paste Electrode Modified With Banana Tissue”. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation.;e13838. (ISSN: 0145-8892; E-ISSN: 1745-4549),
(Journal Citation Reports, e indeksuar në SCOPUS, Impact factor:2.190)
4. N. Broli, L. Vallja , M. Vasjari , A. Shehu And S. Duka (2021). Electrochemical Behaviour of Gold Thin Film Glassy Carbon Electrode for Determination of Chromium (VI). Asian Journal of Chemistry; ISSN:0970-7077, Vol. 33, No. 5 (2021), pp.1001-1005. https://doi.org/10.14233/ajchem.2021.23121
(Science Citation Index, e indeksuar në SCOPUS). https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/22703?origin=resultslist
5. Loreta Vallja, Sonila Duka, Alma Shehu, Alqi Çullaj. (2015). “Determination Of Phenolic Compounds In Groundwater By Spectrophotometry”. International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology sciences (IJEES), ISSN 2224-4980, Vol 5(3): pp. 459-464.
(Indexed in Copernicus, CAS, EBSCO, etj)
6. Loreta Vallja, Sonila Duka, Alma Shehu, Nevila Broli. (2015). “Analysis Of Phenols In Water By Solid-Phase Spectrophotometry. Case Study: Patos Marinza, Albania”. Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary, ISSN 2320-5083, Volume 3, Issue 9: pp. 340-346
(Indexed in Copernicus, ISI, ISRA, etj)
7. Sonila Duka, Loreta Vallja, Pranvera Lazo, Alma Shehu (2014). Water Quality Assessment Of Mati River Using WQI. International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES), ISSN: 2224-4980 Volume 4 (3):pp 457 - 462
(Indexed in Copernicus, CAS, EBSCO, etj)
8. Sonila Duka, Loreta Vallja, Alma Shehu (2015). “An Assessment Of The Quality Of Various Bottled Mineral Water Marked In Tirana (Albania) During 2014. International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES), ISSN: 2224-4980 Volume 5 (3), pp. 471-478
(Indexed in Copernicus, CAS, EBSCO, etj)
9. Nevila Broli, Majlinda Vasjari, Loreta Vallja, Sonila Duka, Alma Shehu and Sadik Cenolli (2021): "Electrochemical Determination Of Atenolol And Propranolol Using A Carbon Paste Sensor Modified With Natural Ilmenite: " Open Chemistry, ISSN: 2391-5420, vol. 19, no. 1, 2021, pp. 875-883; https://doi.org/10.1515/chem-2021-0071
(Journal Citation Reports, rankuar në SCOPUS; Impact Factor: 1.554)
10. A. Shehu, M. Vasjari, S. Duka, L. Vallja and N. Broli (2017). Comparative Study Of The Environmental State Of Ohrid And Prespa Lakes, Albania. European Water 58: pp 237-244.
(Journal Citation Reports)
11. Alma Shehu, Sonila Duka, Loreta Vallja, Arviola Hodaj (2014). Estimation Of Occurrence And Spatial Distribution Of Heavy Metals In Ohrid And Prespa Lakes, Albania. International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES), ISSN:2224-4980 Volume 4 (3), pp. 451-456
(Indexed in Copernicus, CAS, EBSCO, etj)
12. Majlinda Vasjari, Alma Shehu, Sonila Duka, Loreta Vallja, Nevila Broli (2021): “Water quality assessment of family wells in Berati district, Albania”. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, ISSN: 1018-4619, Volume 30– No. 06B/2021 pp. 7355-7361.
(E indeksuar nga Scopus, IF=0.553)
1. 11th International Conference on Energy and Climate Change, 10-12 October 2018, Athens. “Evaluation of groundwater and its suitability for domestic and irrigation use in patos-Marinza region. Loreta Vallja, Sonila Duka, Alma Shehu, Nevila Broli, Majlinda Vasjari. Proceedings Book pp. 75-82: ISBN: 978-618-82339-9-7
2. Online International Conference on Life Sciences (OICLS-20) December 19-20 2020, Turkey. “Application of carbonized sawdust as an adsorbent for phenol removal from wastewater”. Loreta Vallja, Sonila Duka, Alma Shehu, Nevila Broli, Majlinda Vasjari, Anxhela Braka. Proceedings Book, pp. 220-226, ISBN 978-600-98459-6-5
3. First International Conference on “Social and Natural Sciences – Global Challenge, VIENNA – 8 April 2017, ICSNS- 2017. “Water quality index as a tool in for water ground water assessment in the oilfield of Patos-Marinza area”. Loreta Vallja, Sonila Duka. Proceedings Book, pp. 345-352, ISBN: 978-9928-214-60-7
4. 2nd International Konference on Applied Biotechnology, (ICAB 2014), Tirana, Albania, September 22, 2014. Determination of water quality index and suitability assessment of groundwater for drinking and irrigation purpose. Loreta Vallja, Sonila Duka, Alma Shehu
Proceedings Book, ISBN: 978-99943-0-367-0
5. 4th International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE 2014), Tirana, Albania, May 23 - 26, 2014. Assessment of groundwater quality intended for drinking water purpose in Patos-Marinza regjion. Loreta Vallja, Sonila Duka, Alma Shehu
Proceedings Book, pp 302-308, ISBN: 978-9928-4068-8-0
6. Sonila Duka, Loreta Vallja, Alma Shehu. “Classification and evaluation of commercial bottled drinking water in Tirana, Albania” 4th International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE 2014), Tirana, Albania, May 23 - 26, 2014..
Proceedings Book, pp 95-101, ISBN: 978-9928-4068-8-0
7. Sonila Duka, Loreta Vallja” Evaluation of trophic state index of Karavasta and Narta lagoons using chlorophyll pigments”. First International Conference on “Social and Natural Sciences – Global Challenge, VIENNA - April 2017, ICSNS- 2017.
Proceedings Book, pp,371-377 ISBN: 978-9928-214-60-7.
8. 11th International Conference on Energy and Climate Change, 10-12 October 2018, Athens. “Classification and Evaluation of bottled drinking water in Tirana Albania. Sonila Duka, Loreta Vallja, Alma Shehu, Nevila Broli, Majlinda Vasjari.
Proceedings Book, pp, 83-89: ISBN: 978-9928-214-60-7
9. 11th International Conference on Energy and Climate Change, 10-12 October 2018, Athens. “ Determination of phenols in underground water using carbon paste biosensor modified with banana crude tissue” Nevila Broli, Majlinda Vasjari, Loreta Vallja
Proceedings Book, pp, 109-116: ISBN: 978-9928-214-60-7
10. 11th International Conference on Energy and Climate Change, 10-12 October 2018, Athens.”Validation of a simple spectrophotometric method for the determination of TOC in sediments samples of Vaini lagoon, Albania”. Alma Shehu, Nevila Broli, Majlinda Vasjari, Sonila Duka, Loreta Vallja
Proceedings Book, pp, 97-108: ISBN: 978-9928-214-60-7
11. Online International Conference on Life Sciences (OICLS-20) December 19-20, 2020, Turkey. “The Contribution of Drinking Water to Dietary Reference Intakes of Calcium and Magnesium in Commercial Bottled Drinking Water in Tirana, Albania During 2019”. Sonila Duka, Loreta Vallja, Alma Shehu, Nevila Broli, Majlinda Vasjari
Proceedings Book, pp. 227-232, ISBN 978-600-98459-6-5
12. Online International Conference on Life Sciences (OICLS-20) December 19-20, 2020, Turkey. “Electrochemical Carbon Paste Sensor modified with Natural Ilmenite (CPE-I) for Determination of Propranolol”. Nevila Broli , Majlinda Vasjari, Loreta Vallja, Sonila Duka, Alma Shehu, Sadik Cenolli.
Proceedings Book, pp.33-38, ISBN 978-600-98459-6-5
13. 17Th International conference on chemistry and environment, 16-20 June 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece. “The status of water quality in underground water wells in Berati district”. M. Vasjari, A. Shehu, S. Duka, L. Vallja, N. Broli
Proceedings Book, pp.224-226,
1. Food Quality And Safety, Health And Nutrition, 9-11 June, Ohrid, Macedonia NUTRICON. “Human health risk assessment of nitrate and groundwater evaluation in some selected wells in Patos-Marinza region, Albania”. Loreta Vallja, Sonila Duka, Alma Shehu, Nevila Broli, Majlinda Vasjari. Abstract book, pp. 203-204, ISBN 978-608-4565-15-4
2. 1st International Conference on Water Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development WEPSD-2021. Tirana, Albania: “Speciation And Distribution Of Phosphorous In Sediments Of Kune Vaini Lagoon System”. Loreta Vallja, Sonila Duka, Alma Shehu, Majlinda Vasjari, Nevila Broli.
Abstract book, pp. 13, ISBN 978-9928-339-29-4
3. International symposium on constructed wetlands & small decentralized wastewater treatment plants, 29th-31st August 2019 Patras, Greece. “Speciation and distribution of phosphorus in sediments of Kune Vain lagoon, (Lezha-Albania). Vallja L., Duka S., Shehu A., Vasjari M. and Broli N.
Abstract book, pp. 58
4. 11th International Conference on Energy and Climate Change, 10-12 October 2018, Athens. “Evaluation of groundwater and its suitability for domestic and irrigation use in patos-Marinza region. Loreta Vallja, Sonila Duka, Alma Shehu, Nevila Broli, Majlinda Vasjari. Abstract book, ISBN: 978-9928-214-60-7
5. 3rd International Conference On “Challenges In Biotechnological And Environmental Approaches” Albania, 23-25 April 2019.UBT, Albania. “Water Chemistry Of Kune-Vaini Lagoon System-An Ecological Approach”. Loreta Vallja, Alma Shehu, Nevila Broli, Denisa Muca. Abstract book, pp. 32-33, ISBN: 9928-4548-0-9
6. Konferenca Shqiptare e Biologjisë & Mjedisit, Prishtinë 2018. Data about phosphorus sediments in sediments from Ceka lagoon (Lezha). Loreta Vallja, Sonila Duka, Alma Shehu, , Nevila Broli, Sadik Cenolli, Majlinda Vasjari. Abstract book, pp. 208-209
7. 5th International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE 2015), Tirana, Albania, June 05-08 , 2015. Determination of phenolic compound in groundwater by spectrophotometryu. Loreta Vallja, Sonila Duka, Alma Shehu, Alqi Çullaj. Abstract book, pp. 85. ISBN: 978-9928-4248-2-2
8. 5th International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE 2015), Tirana, Albania, June 05-08 , 2015. “Spectrophotometric determination of Caffeine in different commercially and natural tea samples available in Albania market”. Loreta Vallja, Sonila Duka, Alma Shehu . Abstract book, pp. 35. ISBN: 978-9928-4248-2-2
9. 4th International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE 2014), Tirana, Albania, May 23 - 26, 2014. “”Assessment of groundwater quality intended for drinking water purpose in Patos-Marinëz regjion. Loreta Vallja, Sonila Duka, Alma Shehu . Abstract book, pp. 58; ISBN: 978-9928-4068-9-7
10. 2nd International Konference on Applied Biotechnology, (ICAB 2014), Tirana, Albania, September 22, 2014. Determination of water quality index and suitability assessment of groundwater for drinking and irrigation purpose. Loreta Vallja, Sonila Duka, Alma Shehu
Abstract book, pp. 91; ISBN: 978-99943-0-367-0
11. Online International Conference on Life Sciences (OICLS-20) December 19-20, 2020. “Application of carbonized sawdust as an adsorbent for phenol removal from wastewater”. Loreta Vallja, Sonila Duka, Alma Shehu, Nevila Broli, Majlinda Vasjari, Anxhela Braka. Conference Book, ISBN 978-600-98459-6-5
12. International Conference on Soil, Tirana, Albania, 04-06 May 2015. “Water quality index as a tool for ground water assessment in the oilfild of Patos Marinza area”. Loreta Vallja, Sonila Duka, Alma Shehu .Abstract Book, pp 210, ISBN: 9928-110-58-9
13. Food Quality And Safety, Health And Nutrition, 9-11 June, Ohrid, Macedonia NUTRICON. “Estimation of Gupta index using spatial and temporal variability of nitrite and chlorophyll a in Kune Vain lagoon system”. Sonila Duka, Loreta Vallja, Majlinda Vasjari. Alma Shehu, Nevila Broli,
Abstract book, pp. 107-108, ISBN 978-608-4565-15-4
14. Food Quality And Safety, Health And Nutrition, 9-11 June, Ohrid, Macedonia NUTRICON. “A carbon paste modified with banana tissue for determination of atenolol in pharmaceutical tablets”. Nevila Broli, Majlinda Vasjari, Loreta Vallja, Alma Shehu, Sonila Duka, Sadik Cenolli
Abstract book, pp. 109-110, ISBN 978-608-4565-15-4
15. Food Quality And Safety, Health And Nutrition, 9-11 June, Ohrid, Macedonia NUTRICON. “Evaluation of health risk degree arising from heavy metals present in drinking water in Albania”. Alma Shehu, Majlinda Vasjari, Sonila Duka, Loreta Vallja, Nevila Broli
Abstract book, pp. 163-164, ISBN 978-608-4565-15-4
16. Food Quality And Safety, Health And Nutrition, 9-11 June, Ohrid, Macedonia NUTRICON. “Evaluation of well water used for drinking water in relation to metal content, dietary exposure and impact on the recommended daily amount”. Majlinda Vasjari, Sonila Duka Alma Shehu, , Loreta Vallja, Nevila Broli
Abstract book, pp. 165-167, ISBN 978-608-4565-15-4
17. 1st International Conference on Water Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development WEPSD-2021. Tirana, Albania: “Seasonal variation and human health risk assessment of heavy metals in the Kune-Vaini complex waters”. Alma Shehu, Majlinda Vasjari, Sonila Duka, Loreta Vallja, Nevila Broli
Abstract book, pp. 14, ISBN 978-9928-339-29-4
18. 1st International Conference on Water Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development WEPSD-2021. Tirana, Albania: “Seasonal variation and human health risk assessment of heavy metals in the Kune-Vaini complex waters”. Sonila Duka, Loreta Vallja, Majlinda Vasjari, Alma Shehu, Nevila Broli
Abstract book, pp. 15, ISBN 978-9928-339-29-4
19. 1st International Conference on Water Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development WEPSD-2021. Tirana, Albania: “Natural material-based nanotechnology for cleaning of environmental systems”. Majlinda Vasjari, Nevila Broli, Alma, Shehu, Sonila Duka, Loreta Vallja
Abstract book, pp. 37, ISBN 978-9928-339-29-4
20. 1st International Conference on Water Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development WEPSD-2021. Tirana, Albania: “An ecological approach for the assessment of the wetland complex of Kune-Vaini (Lezha): Main outcomes”. Aeko Miho, Majlinda Vasjari, Loreta Vallja, Sonila Duka, Alma Shehu, Nevila Broli, Lefter Kashta, Mihallaq Qirjo, Fundime Miri, Ferdinand Bego, Valbona Aliko
Abstract book, pp. 17, ISBN 978-9928-339-29-4
21. International Joint Science Congress of Materials and Polymers, 7-10 October 2020, Tetovo, North Macedonia: “Adsorption properties of row and chemical activated nano-material derived from natural sand of Albanian coastline”. Majlinda Vasjari, Eliana Tassi, Nevila Broli, Sonila Duka, Loreta Vallja, Alma, Shehu
Abstract book, pp. 27, ISBN 978-605-5267-72-8
22. International Joint Science Congress of Materials and Polymers, 7-10 October 2020, Tetovo, North Macedonia: “An ilmenite nanoparticle-modified carbon paste electrode as a sensor for determination of propranolol and atenolol”. Nevila Broli, Majlinda Vasjari, Loreta Vallja, Alma Shehu, Sonila Duka, Sadik Cenolli.
Abstract book, pp. 26, ISBN 978-605-5267-72-8
23. International symposium on constructed wetlands & small decentralized wastewater treatment plants, 29th-31st August 2019 Patras, Greece. “Environmental status of Osumi river, Albania, based on heavy metals concentration level”. Vasjari M., Shehu A., Duka S., Vallja L. and Broli N
Abstract book, pp. 55
24. International symposium on constructed wetlands & small decentralized wastewater treatment plants, 29th-31st August 2019 Patras, Greece. “Estimation of trophic quality in Kune -Vaini lagoon using Lamparelli index”. Duka S., Vasjari M., Vallja L., Shehu A., Broli N. and Rama U
Abstract book, pp. 61
25. International symposium on constructed wetlands & small decentralized wastewater treatment plants, 29th-31st August 2019 Patras, Greece. “Comparison of two different extraction technıques for the determınation of the bioavailable fraction of heavy metals in sediments of Kune-Vaini wetland in Albania Shehu A., Vasjari M. and Vallja L.
Abstract book, pp. 18
26. 4th International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE 2014), Tirana, Albania, May 23 - 26, 2014. “Water quality assessment of Mati river using WQI” Sonila Duka, Loreta Vallja, Pranvera Lazo, Alma Shehu.
Abstract book, ISBN: 978-9928-4068-9-7
27. 4th International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE 2014), Tirana, Albania, May 23 - 26, 2014. Classification and evaluation of commercial bottled drinking water in Tirana, Albania. Sonila Duka, Loreta Vallja, Alma Shehu.
Abstract book, pp. 35; ISBN: 978-9928-4068-9-7
28. 4th International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE 2014), Tirana, Albania, May 23 - 26, 2014. “Estimation of occurrence and spatial distribution of heavy metals in Ohrid and Prespa lakes, Albania”. Alma Shehu, Sonila Duka, Loreta Vallja, Arviola Hodaj
Abstract book, pp. 42; ISBN: 978-9928-4068-9-7
29. 5th International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE 2015), Tirana, Albania, June 05-08, 2015 An assessment of the quality of various bottled mineral water marked in Tirana (Albania), during 2014. Sonila Duka, Loreta Vallja, Alma Shehu.
Abstract book, pp. 88; ISBN: 978-9928-4248-2-2
30. International Conference on Soil, Tirana, Albania, 04-06 May 2015. “Evaluation of trophic state index of Karavasta and Narta lagoons using chlorophyll pigments”.Sonila Duka, Loreta Vallja, Alma Shehu: Proceedings Book ISBN: 9928-110-58-9
31. International Conference on Soil, Tirana, Albania, 04-06 May 2015. “Evaluation of Ca and Mg in bottled drinking waters of Albania”. Alma Shehu, Sonila Duka, Loreta Vallja, Arvjola Hodaj. Proceedings Book ISBN: 9928-110-58
32. International Conference on Soil, Tirana, Albania, 04-06 May 2015. Estimation of spatial distribution of heavy metals in Ohrid lake water, Albania. Alma Shehu, Sonila Duka, Loreta Vallja. Proceedings Book ISBN: 9928-110-58-9
33. Konferenca Shqiptare e Biologjisë & Mjedisit, Prishtinë 2018. Preliminary data on nutrient assessment through chlorophyll content in the lagoon of Kune-Vainit″/ ″Të dhëna paraprake për vlerësimin e gjendjes ushqyese nëpërmjet përmbajtjes së klorofileve ne lagunen e Kune-Vainit″. Sonila Duka, Loreta Vallja, Alma Shehu, Majlinda Vasjari, Nevila Broli, Sadik Cenolli:
Abstract book, pp. 141-143
34. Konferenca Shqiptare e Biologjisë & Mjedisit, Prishtinë 2018. ″Data on total nitrate and phosphorus in the waters of Vjosa″/″Mundësia e aplikimit të metodave elektrokimike në përcaktimin e metaleve të rëndë në mjediset lagunore″. Nevila Broli, Loreta Vallja, Majlinda Vasjari.
Abstract book, pp. 210-211
35. Konferenca Shqiptare e Biologjisë & Mjedisit, Prishtinë 2018. ″Data on total nitrate and phosphorus in the waters of Vjosa″/″Të dhëna mbi nitratet dhe fosforin total në ujërat e Vjosës″. Sonila Duka, Loreta Vallja
Abstract book, pp. 206-207
36. 11th International Conference on Energy and Climate Change, 10-12 October 2018, Athens. “Classification and Evaluation of bottled drinking water in Tirana Albania. Sonila Duka, Loreta Vallja, Alma Shehu, Nevila Broli, Majlinda Vasjari.
Abstract book, ISBN: 978-9928-214-60-7
37. 11th International Conference on Energy and Climate Change, 10-12 October 2018, Athens. “ Determination of phenols in underground water using carbon paste biosensor modified with banana crude tissue” Nevila Broli, Majlinda Vasjari, Loreta Vallja
Abstract book, ISBN: 978-9928-214-60-7
38. 11th International Conference on Energy and Climate Change, 10-12 October 2018, Athens.”Validation of a simple spectrophotometric method for the determination of TOC in sediments samples of Vaini lagoon, Albania”. Alma Shehu, Nevila Broli, Majlinda Vasjari, Sonila Duka, Loreta Vallja
Abstract book, ISBN: 978-9928-214-60-7
39. 3rd International Conference On “Challenges In Biotechnological And Environmental Approaches” Albania, 23-25 April 2019. “Climate change adaption interventions of the Kune-Vaini lagoon system (Lezha)-ecological approach” Aleko Miho, Majlinda Vasjari, Loreta Vallja, Lefter Kashta, Mihallaq Qirjo. Abstract book, ISBN: 9928-4548-0-9
40. Online International Conference on Life Sciences (OICLS-20) December 19-20, 2020, Turkey. “Electrochemical Carbon Paste Sensor modified with Natural Ilmenite (CPE-I) for Determination of Propranolol”. Nevila Broli , Majlinda Vasjari, Loreta Vallja, Sonila Duka, Alma Shehu, Sadik Cenolli: Conference Book, ISBN 978-600-98459-6-5
41. Online International Conference on Life Sciences (OICLS-20) December 19-20, 2020, Turkey. “The Contribution of Drinking Water to Dietary Reference Intakes of Calcium and Magnesium in Commercial Bottled Drinking Water in Tirana, Albania During 2019”. Sonila Duka, Loreta Vallja, Alma Shehu, Nevila Broli, Majlinda Vasjari
Conference Book ISBN 978-600-98459-6-5
Analiza kimike e lëndës dhe mjedisit bazuar ne përdorimit e teknikave instrumentale.
1. Projekt bilateral midis Shqipërisë dhe Austrisë: “Monitoring of toxic elements in the ambient air of Tirana and Elbasani city, Albania”, financuar nga AKKSHI, periudha 2019 – 2020. Pozicioni: Anëtare projekti.
2. Projekt në kuadrin e programit për kërkimin shkencor: “Vlerësimi i shkallës së toksicitetit dhe riskut në shëndetin e njeriut të disa metaleve toksike (Al, Cd, Pb, Hg dhe As) në biotën e ujërave detarë në Shqipëri”, financuar nga Universiteti i Tiranës, periudha 2021-2023. Pozicioni: Anëtare projekti.
3. Projekt në kuadrin e programit për kërkimin shkencor: “Vlerësimi i gjendjes mjedisore nëpërmjet përcaktimit të metalotioninave dhe metaleve te rënda në midhje”, financuar nga Universiteti i Tiranës, periudha 2021-2023. Pozicioni: Anëtare projekti.
4. Projekt bilateral midis Shqipërisë dhe Italisë “SORENM "Preparation and activation of ilmenite nanomaterial and evaluation of efficiency in its use for cleaning soils contaminated by heavy metals", financuar nga AKKSHI, periudha 2019-2020. Pozicioni: Anëtare projekti.
5. Projekt “Building the Resilience of Kune Vain Lagoon System through Ecosystem based Adaption-Albania”, financuar nga UNEP, GEF, Albanian Government, periudha 2017-2019. Pozicioni: Anëtare projekti.
6. Projekt “ICT Networking for Overcoming Technical and Social Barriers in Instrumental Analytical Chemistry Education” (NETCHEM) Erasmus + Project: KA2- Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Action: Capacity Building in Higher Education, periudha 2016-2019. Pozicioni: Anëtare projekti.
7. Projekt në kuadrin e programit për kërkimin shkencor; “Vlerësimi i niveleve të ndotjes nga metalet e rënda dhe nutrientët në ujërat e lumenjve Osum dhe Devoll”, financuar nga Universiteti i Tiranës, periudha 2016. Pozicioni: Anëtare projekti.
8. Projekt në kuadrin e programit për kërkimin shkencor “Vlerësimi i cilësisë së ujërave natyrore për përmbajtjen e substancave ndotëse nëpërmjet përdorimit të metodës GC-MS dhe teknikave të tjera instrumentale” financuar nga Universiteti i Tiranës, periudha Korrik 2013-Dhjetor 2013. Pozicioni: Drejtuese e projektit.
9. Projekt “Limnologic and hydrologic assessment of the Bovilla basin (Tirana, Albania) and its ëatershed, focused on drinking water use”. SCOPES, periudha 2005-2008. Pozicioni: Anëtare projekti.