Prof.Asoc. Sonila Shehu

Sonila Shehu është pedagoge në Grupin mësimor të Kimisë Organike prane Departamentit të Kimisë,  Fakulteti i Shkencave të Natyrës. Ka studiuar për Kimi të Përgjithshme në Fakultetin e Shkencave të Natyrës, Universiteti i Tiranës. Pranë këtij fakulteti ka përfunduar edhe studimet Master në fushën “Analiza Kimike dhe Metodat Instrumentale të Identifikimit të Strukturës së Lëndës” si dhe ka mbrojtur gradën shkencore “Doktor i Shkencave” në fushën “Analiza kimike e lëndës dhe mjedisit” pranë seksionit të Kimisë Analitike.  Tema e Disertacionit për mbrojtjen e gradës shkencore ka qenë: “Studim i gjendjes mjedisore të Gjirit të Vlorës nëpërmjet parametrave kimiko fizikë të tij”.  

Gradat dhe titujt akademikë

Diplomë e Integruar e Nivelit të Dytë në Kimi të Përgjithshme, Fakulteti e Shkencave të Natyrës, Universiteti i Tiranës (2005)

Master në fushën “Analiza Kimike dhe Metodat Instrumentale të Identifikimit të Strukturës së Lëndës” , Fakulteti i Shkencave të Natyrës, Universiteti i Tiranës (2008)

Doktor i Shkencave në Kimi, Fakulteti i Shkencave të Natyrës, Universiteti i Tiranës (2014)

Titulli Akademik “Profesor i Asociuar”, Fakulteti i Shkencave të Natyrës, Universiteti i Tiranës (2021)


  • Kimi Organike I, (Leksion, Seminar,Laborator), Bachelor Kimi Industriale e Mjedisore
  • Kimi Organike I, (Laborator) Bachelor Kimi dhe Teknologji Ushqimore
  • Kimi Organike II, (Laborator), Bachelor Kimi Industriale e Mjedisore

Lazo, P., Qarri, F., Allajbeu, S., Kane, S., Bekteshi, L., Frontasyeva, M., Stafilov, T. “The Evaluation of Air Quality in Albania by Moss Biomonitoring and Metals Atmospheric Deposition” Publikuar nga Springer Nature, 2020.

Projektet kёrkimore shkencore 

  1. Kёrkuese shkencore nё projektin bilateral me Greqinё "Wireless water quality monitoring of ARACHTHOS and VJOSA rivers” (WWQM_AVR)", financuar nga: GREECE–ALBANIA IPA CROSS BORDER PROGRAMME 2011-2015
  2. Kёrkuese shkencore nё projektin “Zhvillimi i zbatimit të metodave analitike për vlerësimin e ndotjes së mjedisit nga substancat toksike në ujërat sipërfaqësore e nëntokësore dhe të pijshëm të rajonit Vlorë”,financuar nga PKKZH 2012-2014


Artikuj shkencorë të botuar në revista shkencore ndërkombëtare ose kombëtare 

  1. Kane S., Lazo P., Ylli F., Stafilov T., Qarri F., Marku E. (2016). “Separation of heavy metals from water samples -The study of the synthesis of complex compounds of heavy metals with sodium diethyldithiocarbamates” . Journal of Environmental science and health, Part A. DOI 10.1080/10934529.2015.1109408.
  2. Kane S., Lazo P., Qarri F., Marku E. (2015). “Assessment of environmental situation of Narta and Orikumi Lagoon, Albania”. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Volume 24–No 9a, 2015, pp. 2975–2984. ISSN 1018-4619
  3. Qarri F., Kane S., Lazo P. (2014). “Environmental assessment of dissolved heavy metals in Vlora bay, Albania”. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Volume 23–No 7, 2014, pp. 1539–1546. ISSN 1018-4619
  4. Kane S., Qarri F., Lazo P., Bekteshi L. (2015). “The Effect of Physico-Chemical Parameters and Nutrients on Fish Growth in Narta Lagoon, Albania”. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Volume 10, 03/2015; UDC 639.32(496.5); ISSN: 1857-8489.
  5. Kane S., Lazo P. (2015). “Application of multivariate statistical analysis in the assessment of water Quality of Vlora Bay, Albania”. International Journal of Current Research, 03/2015; Available online at .
  6. Kane S., Qarri F., Lazo P. (2015). “Environmetal situation of Vlora Bay, Albania based on physic-chemical parameters of seawater”, Austin Journal of Hydrology, Volume 2/1, 2015; ISSN: 2380-0763.
  7. Kane S., Lazo P., Qarri F. (2015). “Assesment of water quality of the main ports in Vlora city, Albania”, Albanian Journal of Natural and Technical Sciences, 2015 ISNN 2074-0867
  8. Lazo P, Steinnes E., Qarri F, Allajbeu Sh, Kane S, Stafilov T, Frontasyeva M V, Harmens H. (2017). “Origin and spatial distribution of metals in moss samples in Albania: A hotspot of heavy metal contamination in Europe” . Chemosphere, 28, 2017, 190:337-349 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.09.132  
  9. Maxhuni A., Lazo P., Kane S., Qarri F., Marku E., Harmens H. (2015). “First national survey of atmospheric heavy metal deposition in Kosovo by using moss biomonitoring and AAS” Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 23/1, pp. 744-755. ISSN 0944-1344.
  10. Qarri F., Lazo P, Bekteshi L., Kane S., Marku E. (2015). “A study on road traffic emissions of heavy metals in a tunnel experiment in Tirana, Albania by using dust samples”. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin: Volume 24– No 6. 2015, pp 2101-2012. ISSN 1018-461
  11. Shahu E., Shehu (Kane) S., Mara V. (2019). “Determination of honey quality of the south region of Albania based on physico-chemical parameters “, European Academic Research (2019) Vol. VII, Issue 8, pp.4079-4087. ISSN 2286-4822/
  12. Allajbeu Sh, Qarri F, Kane S, Stafilov T, Frontasyeva MV, Lazo P (2016). "Determination of trace elements in moss samples with different multi element Analytical Techniques, such as ENAA And ICP-AES" Published at Albanian Journal of Natural and Technical Sciences Albanian Journal of Natural and Technical Sciences, 2016 ISNN 2074-0867
  13. S. Kane,, F. Qarri, P. Lazo (2013). “Vlerësimi i gjendjes mjedisore të lagunave Nartë e OrikumAssesment of environment situation of Vlora Bay based on nutrient and heavy metals content of water samples”. Albanian Journal of Natural and Technical Sciences (AJNTS) (2012): ISNN 2074-0867, Botimi Nr. 35(2).
  14. S. Kane, P. Lazo (2012). “Vlerësimi i gjendjes mjedisore të lagunave Nartë e Orikum”. Buletini i Shkencave Natyrore Nr 14 (2012). ISSN 2305-882X, Botim i Fakultetit të Shkencave Natyrore, Universiteti i Tiranës, fq. 80-92.
  15. S. Kane, P. Lazo (2012). “Assessment of condition of Narta and Orikumi Lagoons by determination of Heavy Metals content in water and sediments”. Albanian Journal of Natural and Technical Sciences (AJNTS) (2012): ISNN 2074-0867, Botimi Nr. 33(2), fq 33-43.
  16. F. Qarri, S. Kane, P. Lazo. (2012). “The assessment of trace elements pollution in Vlora area”. Albanian Journal of Natural and Technical Sciences (AJNTS)(2012): ISNN 2074-0867, Botimi Nr. 33(2), fq 21-32


Referime në veprimtari shkencore ndërkombëtare (simpozium, konferencë, kongres)

  1. Kane S., Shtogu I. Shahu E., Lazo P. (2022). “The evaluation of drinking water quality in Tirana citty, Albania by the determination of heavy metals content using ICP-MS method.” 12th International Conference of Ecosystems June 3-5, 2022, Chicago, Illinois, USA (online).
  2. Kane S., Qarri F., Lazo P. (2022). “The effect of heavy metals concentration on fish growth in Vlora bay, Albania ” Congress in Food Quality and Safety & Health - Nutrition 2022,  08-10 June 2022, Ohrid Macedonia.
  3. Kane S, Qarri F, Lazo P (2018). “An overview of water quality of Narta Lagoon, Albania, based on physical-chemical    parameters”.“Natural resources, green technology and sustainable development/3-GREEN2018“ 5-8 June 2018, Zagreb Croatia.
  4. Kane S., Qarri F., Lazo P., Bekteshi L. (2014). “A study of the environment situation of Vlora area based in trace elements level in air and water”. The 2nd Virtual Multi-disciplinary Conf. QUAESTI December 15–19, 2014, Zilina, Slovakia
  5. Kane S., Qarri F., Lazo P., Bekteshi L. (2015). “The Effect of Physico-Chemical Parameters and Nutrients on Fish Growth in Narta Lagoon, Albania” Food Quality & Safety Health and Nutrition 1st Conference. 27-28 November20 14, Skopje Macedonia. 
  6. Kane S., Qarri F., Lazo P. (2014). “Assessment of environmental situation of Orikumi Lagoon, Albania, based on dissolved heavy metals concentration and some physical-chemical parameters in water”. IV International Conference “Ecology of Urban Areas”, October 2014, Serbia. Abstract
  7. Kane S., Qarri F., Lazo P. (2014). “Assessment of environmental situation of Narta Lagoon based on physico-chemical parameters and heavy metals content in water”. 4th International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE2014), May 2014, Tirana, Albania, Abstract book, p. 49-50. ISBN: 978-9928-4068-9-7, 
  8. Kane S., Trikshiqi R., Bekteshi L., Qarri F., Lazo P. (2018). "Study of air deposition of trace elements using vascular plants as bioindicators”. The 8th International Workshop on Biomonitoring of Atmospheric Pollution (BIOMAP 8). Dubna, July 2–7, 2018. Abstract book, pp. 67. ISBN 978-5-9530-0495-4. http://www.biomap-international.com
  9. Kane S., Qarri F., Lazo P. (2014). “The evaluation of water quality of Vlora Bay, Albania based on physical-chemical parameters and the heavy metals content”. 23rd Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, October 08-11, 2014, Ohrid Macedonia.
  10. Shahu E. , Ninga E., Kane S., Aliaj L. (2018). “An overview of the quality of Honey in Korça Region  based on physic-chemical parameters”. The 6th International Virtual Conference on Advanced Scientific Results. June, 25. - 29. 2018,
  11. Bekteshi L., Lazo P., Qarri F., Kane S. (2014). “The study of the impact of emissions from road traffic on contamination by H.M in the Krraba tunnel”. IV International Conference “Ecology of urban areas”, October 2014, Serbia.
  12. Qarri F., Kane S., Lazo P. (2014). “Heavy metals and nutrients in coastal seawaters of Vlora bay: an environmental study”. 4th International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE2014) May 2014, Tirana, Albania.
  13. Kotori P., Hasanaj L., Kane S. (2014). “Physical-chemical parameters and assessment of pollution through bioindicators of Narta Lagoon”. TEN ECOPORT 1st International Conference, Sustainable Development of Sea-Corridors and Coastal Waters 3 April 2014, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania
  14. Lazo P., Allajbeu Sh., Qarri F., Kane S., Stafilov T.Frontasyeva M. V., Steinnes E., Harmens H. (2018). "Combination of naturally growing bryophyte moss biomonitoring, instrumental analyses, statistical analysis and GIS technique for evaluating trace elements atmospheric deposition – 2010, 2015 moss biomonitoring in Albania". The 8th International Workshop on Biomonitoring of Atmospheric Pollution(BIOMAP 8). Dubna, July 2–7, 2018.  ,
  15. Qarri F., Kane S., Lazo P. (2014). Assessment of trace element pollution around Vlora area. 27th Task Force Meeting of the ICP Vegetation, January 2014, Paris. Abstract book, p. 44
  16. Qarri F., Lazo P.Stafilov T., Bekteshi L., Kane S., (2015). The environment situation of the Albanian coastal area based on the assessment of trace elements depositions by using mosses as bioindicators and sea effect on this assessment . 28th Task Force Meeting of the ICP Vegetation, February 2015, Rome. Abstract book, p. 73 
  17. Qarri F., Lazo P., Stafilov T., Kane S., Marku E. (2016). Moss biomonitoring in Albania: present and future . 29th Task Force Meeting of the ICP Vegetation, March 2016, Dubna Russian Federation. Abstract book, p. 72
  18. Qarri, F., Kane, S., Allajbeu, Sh., Lazo, P., Stafilov T. (2017). "Atmospheric deposition of trace metal in Albania (2015 moss survey) evaluated by moss biomonitoring and ICP-AES analysis”. 30th Task Force Meeting of the ICP Vegetation, February 2017 , Poznan, Poland
  19. Lazo P., Allajbeu S., Qarri F., Kane S., Frontasyeva M.V., Stafilov T. (2017). ”Mineral particles dust important sources of trace metal in atmospheric deposition in Albania”. 30th Task Force Meeting of the ICP Vegetation, February 2017 , Poznan, Poland
  20. Allajbeu Sh., Bekteshi L., Qarri F., Kane S., Lazo P., Stafilov T. (2018). "Distribution of Trance Elements Infuence from Sea Coastal Line by Using Moss Biomonitoring". The 31th Task Force Meeting of the ICP Vegetation,  March 2018, Dessau-Roßlau, Germany. Abstract book p. 56.
  21. Bekteshi L., Allajbeu Sh., Kane S., Qarri F., Stafilov T., Lazo P. (2019). “Assessment of air quality in Albania based on atmospheric deposition of trace elements in coastal and inland areas”. 32th Task Force Meeting of the ICP Vegetation, Feruaryy 2019 , Targoviste, Romania 
  22. Lazo P., Allajbeu S., Bekteshi L., Qarri F., Kane S., Frontasyeva M., Stafilov T. (2020). “The effects of anthropogenic factors to sea spray elements studied by moss biomonitoring in inland and coastal areas of Albania”. 33th Task Force Meeting of the ICP Vegetation, January 2020 , Riga, Latvia
  23. Bekteshi L., Kane S., Allajbeu S., Qarri F., Frontasyeva M., Stafilov T., Lazo P.. (2020). “The study of crustal and lithogenic elements in atmospheric deposition of Albania evaluated by moss biomonitoring”.      33th Task Force Meeting of the ICP Vegetation, January 2020 , Riga, Latvia
  24. Qarri F., Kane S., Allajbeu S.,Bekteshi L., Frontasyeva M., Stafilov T., Lazo P. (2020).  “The study of anthropogenic elements in atmospheric deposition of Albania evaluated by moss biomonitoring”. 33th Task Force Meeting of the ICP Vegetation, January 2020 , Riga, Latvia. 
  25. T. Albanis, Z. Anagnostou, Ch. Avdikou, T. Bohlos, V. Boti, A. Bousis, I. Evangelou, I. Flouris, K. Foudas, A. Hyso, M. Kalampoka, S. Kane, M. Kapsi, P. Kokkas, P. Kotori, Th. Koukoulis, N. Manthos, M. Muco, S. Mpletsas, I. Papadopoulos, E. Paradas, G. Randoglou, I. Rizos, I. Skopoulis, E. Tsipi, L. Tsoulanas, C. Tsoutsi. “A simple wireless system for remote system for remote water quality monitoring in rural area rivers”. 3 rd Science for the Environment Conference Aarhus Denmark 1-2 October 2015
  26. Shkurtaj B., Cullaj A., Kotori P., Kane S., Muco M., Cako V., Hasanaj L., Hasanaj V. (2014). “Kompleksi i metodave analitike i përdorur per vleresimin e shkalles se ndotjes se ujerave ne rajonin e Vlores”. Agjensia e Kerkimit , Teknologjise dhe inovacionit. Programet kombetare te kerkimit te zhvillimit per vitet 2010-2014, vellimi I, ISBN 978-9928-4169-8-8. Workshop, Dhjetor 2014, Tirane, Albania. 
  27. S. Kane, P. Lazo (2012). “Assessment of heavy metals in some dumps of copper mining and plants in Mirdita Area, Albania” BALWOIS, 2012, International Conference on water climate and environment, 28 May – 2 June , Ohrid, Republic ofMacedonia ; USB ISBN 978-608-4510-10-9
  28. S. Kane, P. Lazo (2012).  “Determination of nitrites, nitrates, fosfates and some physical-chemical parameters in water of Narta and Orikumi Lagoon and Vlora Bay”. International Conference of Ecosistems (ICE), 1-6 Qershor 2012, Tiranë. Libri I Abstrakteve ISBN 978-9928-4068-5-9Proceeding Book : ISBN 978-9928-4068-2-8, fq 767-773
  29. S. Kane, P. Lazo (2012). “Monitoring of Vlora Bay environment situation by determino some physical-chemical parameters, nutrients and heavy metals content in water”. International Conference, Shkodër, Albania, 16-17 Nëntor. Libri i Abstrakteve: ISBN 978-9928-4135-0-5. Proceeding book: ISBN 978-9928-4011-9-9, fq. 556-563
  30. S. Kane, P. Lazo (2012). “Assessment of environment situation and water quality of Vlora Bay and Narta Lagoon by nutrients and heavy metals determination”. International Interdisciplinary Conference, Vlorë, Albania, 26-28 Nëntor, 2012. Libri i Abstrakteve: ISBN 978-9928-4000-2-4
  31. F. Qarri, P. Lazo, D. Kasemi, S. Kane (2012). “Impact of pollution on the physico-chemical characteristics of sea water in Vlora bay (Albania)”. International Conference on Marine and Coastal Ecosystems (MarCoastEcos2012), Tirane. Libri i Abstrakteve: ISBN 978—9928-137-14-2
  32. P.Kotori, L. Hasani, S. Kane, M. Muco (2012). “Physical and chemical features foraminifera of Narta Lagoon”. International Interdisisciplinary Conference Vlorë, Albania, 26-28 Nëntor, 2012. Libri i Abstrakteve: ISBN 978-9928-4000-2-4

Përgjegjëse e Qendrës Kërkimore Shkencore të Fakultetit të Shkencave Teknike, Universiteti “Ismail Qemali”, Vlorë (2017-2020).